Dr Anannya Dasgupta, Director of CWP and Associate Professor of Literature at SIAS, Krea University, and Sayantan Datta, Assistant Professor of Practice at CWP, Krea University, are conducting a training workshop for faculty members and research scholars at SCAW – SSUS Centre for Academic Writing, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, in Kalady, Kerala. The workshop titled Step-by-Step: Learning to Teach Writing is scheduled for 22–23 February, 2024.
SCAW is a newly formed writing centre that will be offering an academic writing course for the first time, with the help extended by Krea-CWP. As a member of a committee put together by the Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC), Dr Anannya Dasgupta designed a writing course that is now a part of the committee’s recommendation as a first-year foundation course in the state-wide undergraduate programme in Kerala. This faculty training workshop at SCAW is to follow-up on building capacity to teach writing courses using the writing pedagogy being developed by faculty members of Krea-CWP.