Science, Technology, and the State in India

Online Workshop in Politics & History at Krea University
23 March 2022

India’s emergence as a vaccine manufacturing hub during the pandemic has highlighted the importance of science and technology. India has also seen a remarkable reach and widespread adoption of a variety of technologies from the mobile phone to pharmaceuticals. In this context it is worth assessing the importance of scientific and technological change in modern India.

This workshop will discuss emerging research in the fields of politics and history on the role played by science and technology in modern India. 
Inviting Applications

We invite early career scholars and also warmly encourage doctoral students to participate in this workshop.

  • Has India’s embrace of technology transformed it into a modern state? 
  • What roles have science and technology played in Indian statecraft?
  • What challenges do new technologies pose to Indian society? 
  • How have the ordinary lives of Indian people been affected by leaps in technological progress? 

Paper proposals may include, but are not limited to, the following themes:

  • Scientists and scientific institutions in colonial and independent India
  • Science, technology, and modernity
  • Access and marginalities in science and technology
  • Technology and society
  • Power, knowledge production and epistemology in science and technology
  • Data politics
  • The history and politics of medicine
  • Science and pandemics

Submission Guidelines

To apply, please submit a title and abstract (max. 300 words) as well as a CV in PDF format to [email protected]
Include your full name and contact information, including institutional affiliation.

Important Dates

Saturday, 20 February 2022

Programme Committee

  • Dr. Geeti Das and
  • Dr. Aashique Iqbal