Home » Panel Discussion by Krea’s Diversity Collective on From Liberation to Marriage Equality: Reflections on Struggle for Recognition
About the Discussion
Queer and trans communities across the globe have been fighting for recognition, equality and justice over the past half-century. Although some countries responded to these battles favourably by making several gestures and laws, other countries continue to discriminate against queer and trans individuals. In our own terrain, both the government and the judiciary, despite the decriminalisation of homosexuality, refuse to accord legal recognition to marriages between persons of the same sex. Although this is a major setback for queer and transgender persons, and to those people who are committed to democracy, the struggle for recognition and the battle for equality is very much alive. However, the question is, where do we go from here and what is the way forward?
About the Speakers
Dr Geeti Das, Assistant Professor of Politics at SIAS, Krea University, studies the political economy of infrastructures and social categories, and how they shape ideas of what’s normal or valuable. Geeti likes learning about most animals, especially deep-sea life.
Dr Sambaiah Gundimeda is an Associate Professor of Politics at SIAS, Krea University. He is passionate about the idea and practice of democracy, and writes about Dalit politics and the Indian constitution. Sam is inspired by Dr B R Ambedkar and he loves his biryani and badminton.
Sayantan Datta is an Assistant Professor of Practice at the Centre for Writing and Pedagogy (CWP), Krea University. They have been a part of queer and transgender-rights movements in India for more than a decade, and write about gender, sexuality, caste, and science.
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