Home » Marketing in the New Age
Marketing in the new age is no longer about drafting a perfect GTM strategy. With the imminent advent of digital media, conglomeration of communication channels, disruption of distribution, dynamic consumer demographics, and decision making increasingly aided by cutting edge consumer insights – the science and art of marketing today is undergoing significant transformation.
We at IFMR Graduate School of Business (GSB), Krea University are proud to host Inside Marketing 2021, with the theme ‘Marketing in the New Age’.
The conference will feature three panels that bring to light some of the recent trends that have changed the way marketing managers look at product, market, distribution and consumers. The panels are
– Marketing in the Age of Millennials
– Marketing in the Age of Technology
– Marketing in the Times of Crisis
Hosted on the virtual platform, this half-day long conference will feature power talks, discussions and perspectives from leading industry practitioners and experienced marketing professionals from a cross-section of industry verticals, who will bring us one step closet to decoding Marketing 5.0
To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://krea.edu.in/ifmrgsb/marketing-in-new-age/ →
To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://krea.edu.in/ifmrgsb/marketing-in-new-age/ →