Talk on Why History Matters for Science: A lecture by Dr John Mathew, Associate Professor of History of Science, SIAS

Talk on Why History Matters for Science: A lecture by Dr John Mathew, Associate Professor of History of Science, SIAS

Increasingly, the plural nature of science has been brought to the fore for a number of reasons. Disciplines that were easily recognizable in the 19 th and 20 th century are fraying,
with a plenitude of new ones appearing in their wake. While present-day preoccupations largely undergird such impulses, it is important to take stock of what drives such moments
of origin, which frequently reside in the long past, without divorcing them from their social contexts throughout that journey. It is precisely in such circumstances that history plays
such a crucial role. This talk will hopefully hold a candle to why and how.

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Talk on Why History Matters for Science: A lecture by Dr John Mathew, Associate Professor of History of Science, SIAS

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