Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor for Literature on tenure-track

Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor for Literature on tenure-track

Krea University

Position: Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor for Literature on tenure-track

Job Description: Literature at SIAS Krea University is inviting applications for open rank (Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor), tenure-track faculty hires. While we are open to good applications in any field of specialization we are especially interested in the following areas:

  • Translation
  • Global Englishes and world literature
  • Digital Humanities
  • Any areas of specialization in the British Pre-Modern and Early Modern Literature
  • Victorian studies
  • Theatre and Performance Studies
  • Poetry
  • Literary Theory

Job Location: Krea University, Sri City Campus: # 5655, Central Express Way Sector 24, Sri City, Chittoor – 517 646, A.P

Educational Qualification: Minimum qualification is a PhD in Literature, Comp. Lit, Translation Studies or any allied field.

Salary: As per the University policy

Who can apply: We are looking for applicants who hold a PhD in relevant area from a reputable university with passion for teaching, quality research in the form of published/accepted journal papers/conference proceedings, engage in institution development and undertake consultancy.

Application requirements:

Please send the material to the following two emails: [email protected] and [email protected] with the following documents:

  1. Please fill the application form attached herewith (mandatory) – Click here for the application.
  2. A cover letter introducing yourself and your interest in IFMR GSB, Krea University.
  3. Long form Curriculum Vitae.
  4. Short biography (maximum one page, approx. 300 words).
  5. Statement of your teaching approach and courses taught.
  6. Course evaluations (if available).
  7. Statement of research trajectory.
  8. Sample of writing.
  9. Reference letters (minimum of 3)

Application Deadline: 15 November 2024

Shortlisted applicants will go through two rounds of interviews. Further shortlists will be invited for a campus visit to teach a class and interact with students. These appointments are for the term beginning in July 2025.


Note : Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Krea is an equal opportunities employer. Remuneration will be competitive with Indian non-profit pay scales and will depend upon the candidate’s experience levels and the overall organization’s salary structure.