Dr Praveen Bhagawan, Associate Professor, Finance, Accounting and Quantitative Finance & Area Chair – Finance, Accounting and Quantitative Finance, IFMR GSB, Krea University actively participated in the Financial Markets and Corporate Governance (FMCG) 2024 Conference, held on 2–4 April, 2024, at Monash University, Malaysia.
During the conference, Dr Bhagawan presented two papers, engaged in discussions on three papers, and served as the chair for a technical session.
Dr Bhagawan presented the following papers:
- Does Related Party Transactions Affect Cash Holding in India: Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment.
- Does the Introduction of Bank Loan Credit Ratings matter for Firm`s Leverage: Evidence from Indian Firms?

Additionally, he contributed to discussions on the following papers:
- The Impact of Geopolitical Risk on Bank Stability: Global Evidence
- Family Firms and Risk Taking: Is ESG a Mitigant?
- The Effect of the Switch to the Expected Credit Loss Model for Loan Loss Provisioning on Cross-border Borrowing
Dr Bhagawan also chaired Technical Session 2.2 on Sustainable Finance and Corporate Finance during FMCG 2024.
Furthermore, he was part of the PhD programme committee of FMCG 2024.
For further details, please refer to the attached 14th FMCG Conference Program Handbook here.