Dr Panchali Ray, Associate Professor in Anthropology and Gender Studies, SIAS and Associate Dean (Academics) at Krea University, co-edited a volume along with Professor Shadab Bano (Aligarh Muslim University), titled Teaching/Writing Resistance: Women’s Studies in Contemporary Times, which brings together a diverse set of essays around gender and women’s studies as a formal discipline and raises important questions: What are its achievements, and equally, what are its historical blind spots and faultlines? Has women’s studies emerged as a critical space within the academy—as its pioneers envisioned—or does it remain limited by institutional bias and social inequality? Drawing on the perspectives of stalwarts of women’s movements who fought to establish the discipline and younger scholars who now address critical debates in the field,

the chapters explore a variety of themes: pedagogical practices; the relation between knowledge production and university structures; the role of social, regional, religious, and caste locations in the way women’s studies is perceived and transacted; and for the first time, the crucial relation between feminist scholarship and State and institutional power, both in India and internationally. The volume is published by Orient BlackSwan.
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