An article published in The Hindu highlights the work by P A Vinayan, Research Assistant, Krea University and Programme Coordinator, Ferns Nature Conservation Society. Vinayan is seeking help from butterfly enthusiasts and citizen scientists to better understand the migratory movements of milkweed butterflies in peninsular India. Studying the migratory movements of animals is crucial to understanding their ecology and possible threats to their migratory behaviour in a changing environment. Vinayan tagged milkweed butterflies (blue tigers and crows) with unique IDs in Wayanad Kerala and is now looking for resightings in the Eastern Ghats and Plains. This work is being carried out under the guidance of Dr Shivani Jadeja, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, SIAS, Krea University with funding support from Krea University.

To find out how you can support the project by helping find tagged butterflies, click here.
To read the article in The Hindu, click here.