Dr Annu Jalais, Associate Professor of Anthropology, SIAS, Krea University has shared her expert insights on tiger conservation in a recent Deccan Herald article, titled A better way to save tigers?. Her perspective on the vital role of local communities in preserving ecosystems underscores the need for inclusive conservation strategies.
Author of the critically acclaimed anthropological account Forest of Tigers – People, Politics and Environment in the Sundarbans, Dr Annu Jalais has also appeared as an expert guest on the podcast titled The Story of Sundarbans. Along with the author and photographer Arati Kumar-Rao and the local entrepreneur Rajesh Kumar Shaw, she speaks about the forces that shape the unique socio-ecological system of the Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove forest. This video is a production of InHERIT by Ashoka, an initiative by Ashoka University supported by the Helen Hamlyn Trust, dedicated to rediscovering and exploring the natural and culinary heritage of India.
Read the article here.
Watch The Story of Sundarbans