Book launch of The Great Flap of 1942: How the Raj Panicked over a Japanese Non-invasion authored by Professor Mukund Padmanabhan

Book launch of The Great Flap of 1942: How the Raj Panicked over a Japanese Non-invasion authored by Professor Mukund Padmanabhan

15 February, 2024, Sri City: Krea University hosted the book launch of The Great Flap of 1942: How the Raj Panicked over a Japanese Non-invasion authored by renowned journalist Professor Mukund Padmanabhan, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the School of Interwoven Arts and Sciences (SIAS), Krea University, and former editor of The Hindu and The Hindu BusinessLine, on the campus.

The launch unfolded with opening remarks by Professor Nirmala Rao, Vice-Chancellor of Krea University, as she spoke highly of the compelling storyline. This was followed by an engaging hour-long conversation between Professor Mukund Padmanabhan and Dr Aashique Ahmed Iqbal, Assistant Professor of History at SIAS, Krea University as they delved into the intricacies of the book, holding the audience in rapt attention. Attendees eagerly participated and posed insightful questions.

Dr Prithvi Datta Chandra Shobhi, Dean and Associate Professor of History at SIAS, Krea University provided closing remarks, offering valuable insights for history students gleaned from the book’s contents. The session culminated with a book signing session.

Published by Penguin Random House, The Great Flap of 1942: How the Raj Panicked over a Japanese Non-invasion presents a narrative history of the Japanese attacks in Southeast Asia and their impact on India. The book sheds light on a neglected and scarcely known period of history ― between December 1941 and mid-1942 ― when India was gripped by panic, jostled between the rumours and misjudgements by the British and their mistaken belief that Japan was on the verge of launching a full-fledged invasion.

The book demonstrates, quite astonishingly, that the Raj cynically encouraged the exodus (of Indians and Europeans) from both sides of the coastline to ‘safer’ inland regions and contributed to the repeated cycles of rumour, panic and flight. It also reveals how the shadow of the Japanese threat influenced the course of nationalist politics, altered British attitudes towards India and charted the course towards Independence.

It has received many captivating reviews, including those by William Dalrymple and Gopalkrishna Gandhi. Dalrymple’s description of the book as a ‘superbly well researched, tightly constructed…..and pinned to the page in stylish, witty and evocative prose’, testifies to Professor Mukund Padmanabhan’s depth of scholarship and academic excellence.

View the complete event here

Krea University inaugurates Virtual Trading Floor and steps into a partnership with Zerodha Varsity

On 2 February, 2024, Krea University inaugurated its Virtual Trading Floor and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Zerodha Broking Ltd. Jobosco Das, Senior Associate Vice President at Zerodha Broking, inaugurated the Virtual Trading Floor, and also conducted a seminar on the ‘Building Blocks of Personal Finance’ for the students.

Also present at the event were Professor Nirmala Rao, Vice-Chancellor of Krea University, Professor Lakshmi Kumar, Dean of IFMR Graduate School of Business (IFMR GSB), Krea University, Sundara Rajan, Registrar and Chief of Staff, Krea University, Professor Srinivasan Kalyasundaram, Professor of Practice in Finance, IFMR GSB, Krea University, along with other faculty members and students.

The state-of-the-art Virtual Trading Floor provides students of IFMR Graduate School of Business (IFMR GSB) and the School of Interwoven Arts and Sciences (SIAS) at Krea University with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge of financial securities and derivatives in a real-world, simulated trading environment. The platform simulates a real-time market environment, allowing students to test investment strategies with virtual funds, gaining valuable insights into risk management and decision-making in a dynamic market.

The Virtual Trading Floor, equipped with the latest technology and market simulation software, including Bloomberg Terminal, serves as a platform for students to engage in mock trading sessions, portfolio management exercises, and real-time market analysis. IFMR GSB has scheduled several trading workshops for its MBA students in this facility, significantly enhancing their employability and market readiness.

The MOU signing between Krea University and Zerodha Varsity signifies a significant collaboration between academia and industry. The partnership enables Krea University students to have free access to all online training modules and, at a nominal fee, certifications offered by Zerodha Varsity. This includes courses on various aspects of investing, trading, and financial markets, all delivered by industry experts and practitioners. The partnership aims to integrate practical experience with academic learning, bridging the gap between theoretical financial knowledge and its practical application, and preparing students for successful careers in the world of finance.

Emphasising the importance of practical learning in finance, Professor Lakshmi Kumar, Dean of IFMR GSB, Krea University, stated, “The Virtual Trading Floor will provide our students with an invaluable opportunity to experiment and learn from their mistakes in a safe environment. Coupled with access to Zerodha Varsity’s comprehensive online training material and certifications, this initiative will equip them with the skills needed to thrive in the competitive financial landscape.”

View the highlights of the event here.

Dr Raghuram Rajan and Dr Rohit Lamba Launch Breaking the Mould: Reimagining India’s Economic Future

Dr Raghuram Rajan and Dr Rohit Lamba Launch Breaking the Mould: Reimagining India’s Economic Future

6 January, 2024, Chennai: Krea University hosted the book launch of Breaking the Mould: Reimagining India’s Economic Future by Dr Raghuram Rajan, Member, Governing Council, Krea University and Katherine Dusak Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of Business and Dr Rohit Lamba, Assistant Professor of Economics, Pennsylvania State University. The event was held at Taj Club House in Chennai.

Eminent thought leaders from diverse fields were in attendance, including Lakshmi Narayanan, Chancellor, Krea University, Dr Palanivel Thiaga Rajan, Minister for Information Technology & Digital Services, Tamil Nadu and N Ram, Director, The Hindu Group Publishing Private Limited. 

In the welcome speech, Lakshmi Narayanan, emphasised how over the years, Dr Rajan has gifted ideas, experience, and time to build the foundation of Krea. How in the context of a world that no longer works in silos, Dr Rajan has been a firm believer in creating a space where wholesome education enables young open minds to embark on the journey of becoming thinkers, do-ers and changemakers. The closing remarks were delivered by N Ram and the event included a discussion between the authors and Jude Sannith, Assistant Editor, CNBC-TV18.

Breaking the Mould: Reimagining India’s Economic Future sheds light on India’s economic future, the nation’s own distinct space in the global economy, the future of employment, and innovative ways forward.

Here is a glimpse into the event, that was :

View the complete event here