‘Krea Lecture Series: History’ with Dr Bhangya Bhukya | 27 Oct, 3 PM IST

Nomadism is seen as a serious challenge by the Modern state, and a range of mechanisms are put in place to sedentarise them in history. In this insightful lecture, learn how the nomadic communities had been subjugated in colonial South India, with a special focus on the Lambada community.

Join Dr Bhangya Bhukya as he explores various case studies and examines how the colonial stigmas still matter to the nomadic communities in India.  

This lecture is open to all. Attend the session via https://krea-edu-in.zoom.us/j/97058919531?pwd=a01tU3RqMm9tVk1NRXZyRll5U1R0dz09

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