Personal hygiene kits distributed to women support staff
Chennai, June 02, 2022…On Menstrual Hygiene Day, Krea University conducted an outreach activity in an attempt to increase awareness of all issues related to menstruation. This was an initiative of the Student Outreach Club, Aikyatha in collaboration with the Office of Student Life at Krea. On the occasion, personal hygiene kits from Gohygiene Foundation Chennai was presented to all women present.

Dr Sulochana Christopher from Kauvery Hospitals led the workshop for more than 45 women support staff at Krea University on all health-related issues including myths surrounding menstrual issues. The talk was conducted in Telugu, with Dr. Sulochana patiently explaining various aspects and addressing all doubts raised by the support staff. Personal hygiene kits from Gohygiene Foundation Chennai were presented to all women present.
The event began with a video outlining various health issues facing young women. It sought to dispel all fears and myths surrounding the onset of menstruation in young girls and touched upon various issues in some detail. The video drew the assembled women’s attention to issues that would occur naturally with the onset of menstruation and alerted them to issues that would require consulting a gynaecologist. Some home-made remedies to alleviate physical discomfort were highlighted and tips on personal hygiene were also shared.

Dr Sulochana Christopher of Kauvery Hospital then addressed the assembled women and explained to them in detail how normal the onset of menstruation in a young girl is, how to keep oneself healthy, the importance of proper nutrition and alerted them to health issues.
Vidhya Munuswamy, Dean of Students said the event was in line with the institution’s commitment towards sustainability. “The health and well-being our staff is of utmost importance to us; the support staff at Krea are recruited from the neighbouring villages in the region. As earning members of their households, we want to ensure they are well looked after.”

Speaking at the event, Dr Christopher said, It is important that many more institutions conduct these kinds of awareness initiatives events to reduce fear and clear misconceptions. It is the best way to keep yourself healthy and happy.
Dr Christopher went on to speak about the proper way to dispose of sanitary pads, and other precautions that need to be taken during the menstrual cycle.