Professor Madhuri Saripalle pens an article in The Hindu BusinessLine

Professor Madhuri Saripalle, Professor, Economics and MBA Chairperson, IFMR GSB, Krea University has penned an article in The Hindu BusinessLine titled, Looking into our export basket.

The article examines the export share of India’s top exporting industries from 2017-18 to the first quarter of 2024-25, covering both pre- and post-Covid years and concludes that India’s export landscape has undergone significant shifts in this time periods, with certain industries emerging as clear gainers while others have seen decline or stagnation. The article firmly suggests the need for export diversification and an effort to sustain growth in high-performing sectors.

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Dr Sushant Raut at XVII International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology (PPC 2024) 

Dr Sushant Raut, Assistant Professor of Physics, SIAS, Krea University, was a convenor of the neutrino physics group at the XVII International Conference on Interconnections between Particle Physics and Cosmology (PPC 2024) organised at IIT Hyderabad from 14-18 October, 2024. The conference included talks and posters on experimental and theoretical aspects of the Standard Model of particle physics, beyond Standard Model searches, astrophysics, and cosmology. 

Editorial Article by Sayantan Datta published in Indian Journal of Medical Ethics

An editorial article by Sayantan Datta, Assistant Professor of Practice, Krea-CWP ( Centre for Writing and Pedagogy) has been published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. In the editorial titled, Beyond Anxiety: Autonomy and Harm Reduction Approaches to DIY Hormone Replacement Therapy, Sayantan discusses the implications of the prevalence of DIY Hormone Replacement Therapy practices for transgender persons, the medical ecosystem, and the relationship between the two. Drawing upon the principles of harm reduction and patient autonomy, they recommend against blanket anxieties around DIY practices, instead suggesting simultaneous bolstering of efforts to bridge the gap between transgender people and medical practitioners, and the wide dissemination of HRT-related knowledge to transgender people, particularly those further marginalised by poverty and a lack of formal education.

The Indian Journal of Medical Ethics is a multidisciplinary and multicultural peer-reviewed academic journal publishing original material and discussion on all aspects of bioethics, healthcare ethics and the humanities.

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Research article by SIAS Faculty Professor Shanti Pappu published in ESPL Wiley

A research article co-authored by Professor Shanti Pappu, Visiting Professor in Archaeology and History, SIAS, Krea University has been published in ESPL ( Earth Surface Processes and Landforms) Wiley.

The Thar Desert, India has desert pavements comprising angular-subangular to well-rounded gravels at marginally higher elevations than the surrounding terrain. Sedimentological and geomorphic analyses suggest that the pavements are lags of weathered Mesozoic and older bedrock. The presence of Palaeolithic artefacts on the pavement surfaces and occasionally within their matrix was used to infer their antiquity and landscape stability. Titled, Cosmogenic 10Be- and 21Ne-based model exposure ages of desert pavements in the Thar Desert, India, the study presents the first surface exposure ages based on cosmic-ray-produced 10Be and 21Ne for pavements at four sites in the Thar Desert, viz Bhojka, Hamira, Solanki and Jayal.

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Dr Neelam Nakra’s research work accepted for publication in Employee Relations: The International Journal

One of the research works by Dr Neelam Nakra, Assistant Professor of OB&HR, IFMR GSB, Krea University co-authored with Dr Vaneet Kashyap, Assistant Professor, IIT Tirupati has been accepted for publication in Employee Relations: The International Journal

Titled Interactive Effects of Sustainable HRM, Career Adaptability, and Career Sustainability on Employee Well-Being, the study utilises the lens of conservation of resources theory to examine the impact of sustainable HR practices in achieving sustainable employee outcomes. The journal is ranked B in ABDC ranking and Q1 as per Scopus with SJR 0.89.

Sayantan Datta, Krea-CWP (Centre for Writing and Pedagogy), authors an essay for Sangamithra magazine

A semi-academic essay authored by Sayantan Datta, Assistant Professor of Practice, Krea-CWP (Centre for Writing and Pedagogy) has been published in Sangamithra magazine (issue 10), published by Good As You Bangalore. It’s titled Marriage Equality in India: Queer Intimacies, Heteropatriarchal Institutions, & the Language of Rights

In the essay, they briefly historicise queer mobilisation in India to show how, contrary to popular belief, marriage fails to emerge as an important concern for a substantial duration of the queer- and trans-rights movements in India. When marriage finally does emerge as an important point for discussion, it is articulated through the language of ‘rights’. In recounting this history, they demonstrate the limited capacity of this language, and propose that we find a different and complementary register to speak about same-sex marriages in India.

Sangamithra is a magazine published by Good As You Bangalore, one of the oldest support groups for queer-trans people in India. This issue of the magazine titled A Ode to the Past, A Nod to the Future celebrates the support group’s thirtieth anniversary, and features writing and art from over a hundred queer-trans individuals.


IFMR GSB Faculty Sathyanarayanan R presented his case study at the National Conference organised by the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA)

A case study by Professor Sathyanarayanan R, Sundram Fasteners Associate Professor, Marketing, IFMR GSB, Krea University was accepted for presentation at the National Conference organised by the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), New Delhi, on 30 September, 2024. He presented his case study Marketing and Public administration challenges of Overtourism – The Case of Amsterdam and pointers for India through virtual mode. The case documents the issue of Overtourism in Amsterdam and looks at the inherent conflicts through the lens of Public Administration and Marketing with discussion pointers for scenarios in India. It meanders through the balancing acts between destination branding-focused marketing efforts and sustainability-focused public administration issues.

IIPA is an autonomous academic institution of national eminence established in 1954 for training, research and information dissemination in streams related to the ethos of Public Administration. It is known internationally as a premier centre for Training and Research in Public Administration and Management.

Dr Anannya Dasgupta, Director, Centre for Writing & Pedagogy (CWP) was invited as a keynote speaker at the inauguration of BITSLAW Writing Center

Dr Anannya Dasgupta, Director, Krea-CWP (Centre for Writing and Pedagogy) was the keynote speaker at the launch of the new BITSLAW Writing Centre. The event was held on 1 October, 2024. On 3 October, Dr Dasgupta held an assessment workshop for the law faculty at BITS Law School for the newly launched centre, working with student writing to demonstrate how feedback to student writing can help fine-tune classroom instruction.

Jyothis Franklin, PhD student, IFMR GSB  presented a research paper at the 15th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) Regional 2024

Jyothis Franklin, PhD student, IFMR GSB, Krea University presented a research paper titled Understanding the Literature on Advertising Ethics at the 15th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) Regional 2024 hosted by the ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics and Management and ADVANCE – Research Center in Management on 25-27 September, 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal. She co-authored it with Dr Jayasankar Ramanathan, Associate Professor in Marketing, IFMR GSB, Krea University. Franklin held the position of session chair in the same session.

Abstract of the Paper:

This study reviews the literature on advertising ethics and identifies research gaps to provide scope for future work. The relevant literature was identified by searching Scopus and Web of Science. The final sample of 119 articles was carefully read to determine dimensions and variants, which were used in morphological analysis (MA) to construct a cross-consistency matrix (CCM) and obtain a comprehensive understanding of the domain of advertising ethics. The CCM was used to identify explored and unexplored areas of study. A comprehensive MA framework of 6 dimensions and 27 variants of advertising ethics research was constructed and led to the identification of 87 research gaps. This study contributes to the literature by identifying research gaps to be pursued in subsequent work. In addition, this study is the first in the advertising ethics literature to construct an MA framework.