Investigating the Angry Sun’s Impact on Earth’s Atmosphere: Dr Lakshmi Narayanan Conducts Collaborative Research and Presents Internationally on Space Weather Effects

Investigating the Angry Sun’s Impact on Earth’s Atmosphere: Dr Lakshmi Narayanan Conducts Collaborative Research and Presents Internationally on Space Weather Effects

Earth is protected from harmful radiation and energetic charged particles through its sufficiently dense atmosphere and invisible magnetic shield known as magnetosphere. Sometimes our host star Sun emits harmful radiation and particle bursts, alongside its life-sustaining light and warmth. When these particles reach Earth, they often break open the magnetic shield to some extent and interact with our atmosphere and ionosphere. 

The ionosphere is a part of our atmosphere at higher heights wherein a small portion of the atmospheric atoms and molecules are stripped into charged particles by sunlight. Indeed, the ozone absorbs less energetic UV light than those creating the ionosphere. Hence the formation of the ionosphere consumes more powerful UV and x-ray from the Sun, thereby ensuring existence of life on Earth’s surface. 

A part of the research activities of Dr Lakshmi Narayanan, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, SIAS, Krea University investigates the effects of the angry Sun on the Earth’s upper atmosphere and ionosphere.

Dr Narayanan participated in COSPAR 2024, the 45th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research held in Busan, Korea. At this major biennial international event amongst space sciences, on 17 July, 2024 Dr Narayanan delivered a talk titled Global response of topside ionosphere to the severe geomagnetic storm of April 2023, where he presented his research results on the case study of a magnetospheric breaking event that happened during 23-24 April 2023. 

In addition, from 20 June to 23 July Dr Narayanan is visiting the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University, Japan for carrying out a collaborative research project tilted On the impact of geomagnetic disturbances in the gravity wave and tidal dynamics of the mesosphere in the auroral region, funded under the ISEE Joint Research Program, Japan. The project investigates the impact of space weather events caused by solar ejections on the Earth’s middle and upper atmosphere.

Sayantan Datta Co-Authors a Chapter in the Book ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Creating Value Based Sustainable Organizations’

Sayantan Datta Co-Authors a Chapter in the Book ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Creating Value Based Sustainable Organizations’

Sayantan Datta, Assistant Professor of Practice at the Centre for Writing and Pedagogy (CWP), Krea University has co-authored a book chapter titled Trials & Tribulations of LGBTQ+ People at Work as Barriers to Their Job Satisfaction: A Minority Stress Theory Perspective. This chapter, co-authored with Professor Uma Warrier, Professor at the Centre for Management Studies, Jain University, and Gouri Priya, Clinical Counselor at Workplace Options, has been published in the book Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Creating Value Based Sustainable Organizations (Routledge, 2024). 

In their peer-reviewed book chapter, Warrier, Priya and Datta draw upon their collaborative qualitative study that used semi-structured interviews with 32 queer and transgender participants to identify unique stressors that individuals from these minority groups encounter at the workplace. The findings of the study also emphasize the need for targeted interventions that could help people with diverse genders and sexualities to manage their ‘minority stress’ and improve their job satisfaction. The authors first presented their paper in a conference earlier this year at the University of Hyderabad.

Access the book chapter here

For a copy of the full paper, please contact Sayantan Datta at [email protected]

Professor Guha Dharmarajan Delivers Talks at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore

Professor Guha Dharmarajan Delivers Talks at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore

Professor Guha Dharmarajan, Professor of Biology, SIAS, Krea University is an invited speaker at a workshop on Emerging infectious diseases: ecology and evolution, taking place on 1–12 July, 2024 at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore. In his talks, Professor Dharmarajan provides a broad overview of pathogen spillover dynamics leading to the emergence of zoonotic diseases, like COVID-19.

Pathogen Spillover: Theory and Mechanisms (Lecture 1)

Pathogen Spillover: Theory and Mechanisms (Lecture 2)

Dr Swarnamalya Ganesh’s New Book Chapter and Magazine Spotlight

Dr Swarnamalya Ganesh’s New Book Chapter and Magazine Spotlight

Dr Swarnamalya Ganesh, Assistant Professor of Practice, SIAS, Krea University has contributed a chapter to the book titled Ganika – In The Visual Culture Of The 19th-20th Century India, published by the National Crafts Museum, MATI and Naithani Foundation. In this book, a group of scholars have come together to image a collection of visual cultures associated with the Ganika, as a Devadasi and a Courtesan. Dr Ganesh’s section of the book examines the accoutrements of the Sadir performer, costumes and jewellery, their history, circulation and provenance. 

Link to the book on Amazon

The May edition of the International Culture & Art magazine, Pakistan has featured the profile of Dr Swarnamalya Ganesh and the work that she presented at the Faiz Festival 2024 held on 9–11 February in Lahore, Pakistan. 

Dr Randhir Rai, Visiting Faculty, SIAS, Co-authors a Research Paper with SIAS Students

Dr Randhir Rai, Visiting Faculty in Chemistry, SIAS, Krea University co-authored a research paper titled Solvothermal Synthesis of Cuprous Oxide Microsphere and its Application as Catalyst for Synthesis of β-Hydroxy Triazole. His co-authors included Saurav Saha, Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry, IIT Madras, and SIAS students Sreeshma Ravi and Ameena Abbas. Both students graduated in 2024. Sreeshma Ravi worked on this project as a capstone student under Dr Rai’s mentorship. Ameena Abbas voluntarily contributed to the project due to her interest in the subject.

Read the article here

Professor Jayaram Ramakrishnan co-authors a book titled “Enterprise Performance & Risk Management for MSMEs – A Primer” for ICMAI

Professor Jayaram Ramakrishnan co-authors a book titled “Enterprise Performance & Risk Management for MSMEs – A Primer” for ICMAI

Professor Jayaram Ramakrishnan, Professor of Practice at IFMR GSB, Krea University, has co-authored a book titled Enterprise Performance & Risk Management for MSMEs – A Primer for the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI), with CMA Venkataramani, a serial entrepreneur and member of the MSME Board of ICMAI. The book was released at the 61st National Cost & Management Accountants convention of ICMAI held at Kevadia, Gujarat, in the last week of June, 2024. 

The book deals with development of a Management Accounting framework for MSMEs. This was motivated by the existing low uptake and inconsistent use of Management Accounting Practices by MSMEs as observed and suggested by prior research in an Indian context. MSMEs were often found failing to leverage adequately the potential of management accounting for helping them achieve their financial objectives (primarily profitability and liquidity) while also adequately insuring against risks. According to the authors, the book is a humble attempt to provide MSMEs with a cost management and risk mitigation toolkit which would be easy to roll out and sustain in the long run.

Read the Foreword here

Dr Neelam Nakra Delivers a Conference Presentation and Publishes an Article on Sustainable HRM and Leadership

Dr Neelam Nakra, Assistant Professor of OB & HR, IFMR GSB, Krea University presented a research paper titled Towards the nomological network of sustainable human resource management at the 24th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, held on 25-28 June, 2024 at the University of Bath, United Kingdom.  

Recently, Dr Neelam Nakra also co-authored a research article with Dr Vaneet Kashyap, Assistant Professor at IIT Tirupati, titled Responsible Leadership and Organizational Sustainability Performance: Investigating the Mediating Role of Sustainable HRM, published in the International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.

Access the publication here

A copy of the full paper can be read here.

Sayantan Datta’s second children’s book, “Grace: One Engineer’s Fight to Make Science Education Accessible for All” listed in the Parag Honour List 2024

A children’s book by Sayantan Datta, Assistant Professor of Practice at the Centre for Writing and Pedagogy (CWP), Krea University, titled Grace: One Engineer’s Fight to Make Science Education Accessible for All, has been listed in the Parag Honour List 2024. 

The book has been listed in the Young Reader (7+), Non-Fiction category. Priya Dali, the creative director of Gaysi, illustrated the book, which was published by Pratham Books. The book has been translated into six other languages.

The Parag Honour List is an annual curated collection of “outstanding books in English and Hindi, for children, young readers and young adults.” An initiative of Tata Trusts, the List is one of the most prestigious honours for children’s literature in India.

The citation for Datta’s award reads, “Perhaps the first children’s book in India that chronicles a significant transgender public figure, Grace Banu. The engaging storyline, along with plentiful illustrations shape an interesting narrative, introducing children to a theme they may not have encountered often. Written by a queer-trans author, this is a significant representation in Indian CL. A great book to help children think about gender and caste realities.”

All books listed in Parag Honour List 2024 can be seen here.

Read the book for free here

Dr Proma Raychaudhury Presents a Research Paper at the ICAS:MP and CeMIS-Göttingen Workshop

Dr Proma Raychaudhury, Assistant Professor of Politics, SIAS, Krea University presented her research paper titled Gendering political party culture in contemporary West Bengal: A study of Women’s institutional belonging in the AITC at the ICAS:MP and CeMIS-Göttingen Workshop on Metamorphoses of the Political: Bengal in the New Millennium 2.0, held in Göttingen, Germany on  19-21 June, 2024.

Tracking the Flight: Citizen Scientists and Butterfly Lovers Needed to Aid Butterfly Migration Study in India

Tracking the Flight: Citizen Scientists and Butterfly Lovers Needed to Aid Butterfly Migration Study in India

An article published in The Hindu highlights the work by P A Vinayan, Research Assistant, Krea University and Programme Coordinator, Ferns Nature Conservation Society. Vinayan is seeking help from butterfly enthusiasts and citizen scientists to better understand the migratory movements of milkweed butterflies in peninsular India. Studying the migratory movements of animals is crucial to understanding their ecology and possible threats to their migratory behaviour in a changing environment. Vinayan tagged milkweed butterflies (blue tigers and crows) with unique IDs in Wayanad Kerala and is now looking for resightings in the Eastern Ghats and Plains. This work is being carried out under the guidance of Dr Shivani Jadeja, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, SIAS, Krea University with funding support from Krea University.

To find out how you can support the project by helping find tagged butterflies, click here

To read the article in The Hindu, click here