Explore Krea Week

Explore Krea Week

Inviting aspiring Krea students, parents and counsellors to sign up for a week packed with information! From academics, student life, campus life, careers and global opportunities to the admissions process at Krea – take a deep dive into Krea University’s distinctive Undergraduate programme and interact with the people who make it matter.

Date- 7-10 October 2021

7th Oct, 5:15 PM: Interwoven Learning in an Interconnected World (Inaugural Session)

7th Oct, 5:30 PM: Academic & Research at Krea

8th Oct, 5:30 PM: Career Services and Partnerships at Krea

9th Oct, 5:30 PM: Campus & Student Life at Krea

10th Oct, 5:30 PM: Admissions

Note: You need to register once and can join any session with the same joining link.

To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://krea-edu-in.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_J7dmLP9ERAKG7m4O-d-aQw →

Explore Krea Week

Event Start Date:


To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://krea-edu-in.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_J7dmLP9ERAKG7m4O-d-aQw →

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