Dr Vivek Tewary and Sayantan Datta win The Ashoka-Sage Prize for Critical Writing

Dr Vivek Tewary, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, SIAS, Krea University, and Sayantan Datta, Assistant Professor of Practice, Centre for Writing and Pedagogy (CWP) at Krea University won The Ashoka-Sage Prize for Critical Writing at the Critical Writing Pedagogies Symposium held at Ashoka University on 6-7 April, 2024, for their paper presentation titled Form and Formula – Reflections on Teaching Technical & Journalistic Writing in Mathematics. 

In this paper, Dr Vivek Tewary and Sayantan Datta draw upon their experience of teaching the Writing and Communication in Mathematics course at Krea University to design a possible framework for writing courses in Mathematics. The course taught math writing in technical and journalistic registers. To read research articles in mathematics, we make use of writing pedagogy techniques developed at the Centre for Writing and Pedagogy at Krea and find that these are in resonance with how expert mathematicians read mathematics. We also juxtapose the technical and journalistic registers to highlight the aims, concerns and disciplinary contours of the two styles of writing.

The two-day Critical Writing Pedagogies Symposium was organised by the Undergraduate Writing Programme (UWP) at Ashoka University, in partnership with Sage, to “explore writing pedagogies and how these can deepen the thinking of students in higher education.” 

For more information, click here.

Dr Rama Devi delivers an invited talk at the International Conference Celebrating 100 Years of Sociology in India

Dr Rama Devi, Visiting Assistant Professor, SIAS, Krea University, along with Professor Sawmya Ray, IIT Guwahati, delivered an invited talk titled Not just work, but a respectable work: Caste, Gender, and Employment at the International Conference Celebrating 100 Years of Sociology in India, organised by the University of Hyderabad on 1-3 April, 2024. 

Find out more

Exploring Queer and Trans Community Building in Post-NALSA and Post-377 India: Insights from Sayantan Datta, Neha Mishra, and Dr Pushpesh Kumar

Sayantan Datta, Assistant Professor of Practice,Centre for Writing and Pedagogy (CWP), Krea University, Neha Mishra, Assistant Professor of Practice, Centre for Writing and Pedagogy (CWP), Krea University and Dr Pushpesh Kumar, Associate Professor; Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad, co-author a paper titled Queer and trans community building in post-NALSA and post-377 India: a critical reflection, published in the Community Development Journal (Oxford University Press).

In this paper, the authors trace (a) the challenges faced by queer and trans communities and (b) challenges to queer and trans community building in contemporary India by tracing recent developments in the contexts of health, public policy, jurisprudence, social institutions, education, popular culture, and the precarity of gender and sexually transgressive communities during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. They also look at narratives of hope that demonstrate how queer and trans people in post-legal reform India continue to build enabling and affirmative communities in the face of an increasingly neoliberalizing country. This article serves as an introduction to the upcoming special issue of Community Development Journal (Oxford University Press) of the same name, edited by Dr Pushpesh Kumar, Sayantan Datta, and Neha Mishra.

Read the paper here.  

Dr Suchika Chopra Selected for the JSIT Program and Presents Research on Gender Wealth Gap in Germany

Dr Suchika Chopra, Assistant Professor of Economics, SIAS, Krea University has been chosen for the Junior Scholar Intensive Training (JSIT) program scheduled for June 2024. This program, hosted by the UW-Madison Retirement and Disability Research Center (UW RDRC) and supported by the United States Social Security Administration Retirement and Disability Research Consortium (RDRC), is a weeklong research training initiative. Its purpose is to provide mentored training to 15 scholars who are researching social safety nets, social insurance, and retirement and disability issues. Specifically, Dr Chopra will be working on understanding how state policies such as Medicare and Medicaid protect near-retirement households from the financial risk of healthcare expenses.
Additionally, on 9 February, 2024, Dr Chopra presented her paper titled Understanding the Gender Wealth Gap in Germany: Asset Value vs. Asset Ownership at the Annual Conference on Economics and Finance hosted by BITS Pilani, Hyderabad. This paper documents and investigates the gender wealth disparity among married and cohabiting couples in Germany, highlighting that this disparity stems from both differences in asset ownership at the extensive margin and differences in wealth given asset ownership at the intensive margin. 

Dr Mitaja Chakraborty Delivers Presentations at Three Academic Forums

Dr Mitaja Chakraborty, Visiting Assistant Professor, Centre for Writing and Pedagogy (CWP) at Krea University recently delivered presentations at prestigious academic forums. 

Dr Chakraborty presented the paper titled Some methodological concerns: life making and meaning making in the local garment activism spaces in Dhaka at the Workshop on Pluralising Social Reproduction Approaches, organised by the European Council for Political Research & Leuphana University, Lüneburgm on 25–28 March, 2024. 

Click for more.

At the 64th Indian Society for Labour Economics Conference, organised by the Department of Economics, University of Hyderabad on 29–31 March, 2024, Dr Chakraborty presented the paper titled Networks of care: work, labour and love in Dhaka.

Click for more.

Dr Chakraborty also delivered an invited talk titled Many lives of Labour: an inquiry into the methods of exploring work at the International Conference on Celebrating 100 years of Sociology in India, organised by the Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad, on 1-3 April, 2024. 

Click for more.

Dr Anannya Dasgupta, Neha Mishra, Sayantan Datta and Dr Vivek Tewary to Deliver Presentations at the Critical Writing Pedagogies Symposium at Ashoka University

Dr Anannya Dasgupta, Neha Mishra and Sayantan Datta from the Centre for Writing and Pedagogy (CWP) at Krea University, and Dr Vivek Tewary from SIAS, Krea University will be part of the Critical Writing Pedagogies Symposium on How can writing pedagogies build critical thinking among students in higher education? organised by Ashoka University on 6–7 April, 2024. 

Dr Anannya Dasgupta, Director, Centre for Writing & Pedagogy (CWP) at Krea University and Associate Professor of Literature, SIAS, Krea University will conduct a writing workshop at Ashoka University entitled Giving Feedback for Revision: A Writing Pedagogy Essential on 5 April, 2024 as a pre-event to their 2-day writing symposium. 

Dr Anannya Dasgupta will also deliver the Opening Keynote address, “Is it a thing yet?”: Writing Pedagogy in India. Neha Mishra, Assistant Professor of Practice, CWP, will speak on Cultivating Dispositions for Critical Thinking: Networks of Support & Feedback in Writing Pedagogies. Sayantan Datta, Assistant Professor of Practice, CWP will deliver a talk titled A Neuroscientist Takes on Writing Pedagogy. Sayantan Datta and Dr Vivek Tewary, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, SIAS, Krea University will spek on Form and Formula – Reflections on Teaching Technical & Journalistic Writing in Mathematics

This workshop will be attended by faculty of the Undergraduate Writing Programme (who teach the first year writing courses), members of the Centre for Writing and Communication, Teaching Fellows, and interested faculty members from different departments eager to gain insights into effective strategies for addressing their students’ writing-related needs. 

For more details, click here and here.

Dr Suresh Govindapuram and Christon Thomas present a paper at the 64th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE)

Dr Suresh Govindapuram, Assistant Professor of Economics, IFMR GSB, Krea University and Christon Thomas, PhD Student, IFMR GSB, Krea University have presented a paper on Women’s Financial Inclusion and Economic Development: Evidence from India at the 64th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE). The Conference was held on 29-31 March, 2024 at the University of Hyderabad, and was organised by the School of Economics, University of Hyderabad in collaboration with the Department of Liberal Arts, IIT Hyderabad, the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad and the Council for Social Development (CSD), Hyderabad. 

For more information on the ISLE conference, click here.

Read the Abstract here

Dr Pallavi Pandey wins a Best Paper Award at TIRCRPM, TAPMI Institute of Management 

Dr Pallavi Pandey, Assistant Professor, HR & OB, and Area Chair – OB & HR, IFMR GSB, Krea University has received the Best Paper Award for her research paper titled Employees Perception Of Work From Home: A Developing Nation Context at the TAPMI International Research Conference on Reimaginging People Management (TIRCRPM), hosted by the TAPMI Institute of Management held on 28 – 30 March, 2024. 

A New Publication by Sayantan Datta in the Community Development Journal (Oxford University Press)

A paper titled ‘It’s nice we can do that too’: investigating transgender persons’ negotiations with identity and community questions in Indian science institutions by Sayantan Datta, Assistant Professor of Practice, Centre for Writing and Pedagogy (CWP) at Krea University has been published in the Community Development Journal (Oxford University Press). 

In this paper, Datta draws upon the lived experiences of four interlocutors to delineate the ways in which proximal and distal networks of caste-class and gender shape transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary persons’ exclusion from and belonging in science collectivities. This paper is a part of the upcoming special issue on queer and trans community building in post-377 and post-NALSA India, edited by Pushpesh Kumar, Sayantan Datta, and Neha Mishra.

Link to access