The Effect of ESG Disclosure on Cost of Debt: A Life-Cycle Perspective

Nidhin M, a PhD student in Finance & Accounting, Dr Vinod Kumar, Associate Professor of Finance, Accounting & Quantitative Finance, and Prof G Balasubramanian, Senior Professor & Advisor, Finance, Accounting & Quantitative Finance at IFMR GSB, Krea University have co-authored a paper titled The Effect of Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosure on Cost of Debt: A Life-Cycle Perspective, published in the international strategic management journal Managerial and Decision Economics (ABDC: B, SJR: Q2).

About the publication: Drawing on life cycle theory, the paper explores the relationship between Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosure and the cost of debt, utilizing data from 556 Indian-listed firms. The study’s findings indicate that enhanced ESG disclosure is associated with a reduction in firms’ cost of debt. Notably, this impact is more pronounced during the growth and mature stages compared to the introduction, decline, and shakeout stages. Additionally, the study observes that the environmental and social aspects of ESG disclosure exert a more significant influence on the cost of debt when compared to the governance component.

To access the publication, click here

Campusutra: A Fusion of Opportunities for Growth – A Case Study

Prof Chandrasekaran N, Professor, Operations Management at IFMR GSB, Dr Sathya Saminadan R S, Associate Professor of Practice at IFMR GSB, and Dr Indira Ananth, freelance academic have co-authored a case study titled Campusutra: A Fusion of Opportunities for Growth, published by Ivey Publishing.

Campusutra was a leading information and partially transactional portal operating in India that helped aspiring higher education students select appropriate educational institutions. It was founded in 2011 and initially focused on supporting a student’s choice of management education. It added support for engineering schools. It was known for offering distilled and unbiased objective information about offerings, fee structure, peer-level engagement, and placement opportunities, and potential students remained loyal to the portal. Later, a friend advised the founder to make a strategic alliance with an EdTech company to monetize the intangible value it had created. The founder’s dilemma was whether to pursue such an opportunity and risk diluting its mission.

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Face – An Insufficient Technology of the Subject: A Paper by Dr Srajana Kaikini

Dr Srajana Kaikini, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at SIAS, Krea University published a paper titled Face – An Insufficient Technology of the Subject in the Journal Sambhashan’s special issue on Technology, Art, and Society (July – September, 2023) (Volume 4, Issue 3) pp.19-33. In this paper, Dr Kaikini philosophically explores the face in art history to argue for a renewed understanding of its relationship to the subject.

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Dr Panchali Ray receives the Journal of International Women’s Studies Fellowship

Dr Panchali Ray, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Gender Studies, and Associate Dean (Academic), SIAS, Krea University has been awarded the Journal of International Women’s Studies Fellowship for writing an essay titled Intimate Statecraft: Love-Jihad on the Borderlands of India. The essay will study the phenomenon of right-wing communal mobilisation on the borderlands of West Bengal, India, around inter-faith marriage between Muslim men and Hindu women. Dr Panchali Ray will examine how the trope of “love jihad” is being used both as an electoral strategy to win votes by the incumbent central government as well as a call for increasing securitization of the India-Bangladesh border.

New Chapters in Research and Impact

Sayantan Datta, Faculty Associate, Krea-CWP has co-authored a research paper with scientists at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, and the Kunming University of Science and Technology, Yunnan, China, that has been published in the peer-reviewed journal eLife. The publication is titled, DYRK1A Interacts with the Tuberous Sclerosis Complex and Promotes mTORC1 Activity

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Everything Kantian

Dr Vivek Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at SIAS published a paper titled Feeling and Moral Motivation in Kant: A Response to the Frierson-Grenberg Debate in Con-Textos Kantianos, and published Maṉithaneya Nokkathilirunthu Pŏi Pesalām Eṉdṟĕṇappatta Ŏru Urimaiyai Patṟi, a Tamil translation of Immanuel Kant’s essay On a Supposed Right to Tell Lies from Benevolent Motives, in Kanali

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