A Talk on ‘Using Maths to Solve Personal Problems’ by Varuni P

A Talk on ‘Using Maths to Solve Personal Problems’ by Varuni P

How do we find things in a crowded market? Or how do we make a blanket from crochet granny squares of different sizes? Why do bees make hexagonal cells in their hives? And how do we design new hopscotch games? In this workshop, we will explore these problems using simple arithmetic and geometry and see how these could be gateways to deeper mathematical concepts.

P.S. A background in mathematics is not required for participation in this workshop. Students and faculty of all disciplines are encouraged to attend.


Dr Varuni P is a Project Scientific Officer at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc). She has been coordinating the institutional scientific outreach initiatives at IMSc for the past 8 years which includes programs for school and college students and teachers as well as for the general public. Her scientific interests include microbial populations and collective behaviour. She currently works with the Vigyan Pratibha project developing mathematics and science resources to help teachers nurture and deepen mathematics and science learning in government schools.

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A Talk on ‘Using Maths to Solve Personal Problems’ by Varuni P

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