A project co-led by Dr Suresh Govindapuram sanctioned under ICSSR Collaborative Empirical Research Project on Solar Energy and Sustainability 2024-25

A project co-led by Dr Suresh Govindapuram sanctioned under ICSSR Collaborative Empirical Research Project on Solar Energy and Sustainability 2024-25

Dr Suresh Govindapuram, Assistant Professor of Economics, IFMR GSB is one of the Co-PIs (Co-Project Directors) for the project “Drivers and Barriers of Rooftop Solar Power: An Analysis of Micro and Small Size Hotels in India” sanctioned under Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) Collaborative Empirical Research Project on Solar Energy and Sustainability 2024-25. 
Other collaborators include Dr Salman Haider (VIT Vellore), Dr Shadab Danish (IIM Raipur), Professor Arup Mitra (SAU Dehli) and Professor Prabakar S (VIT Vellore).

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