Jyothis Maria Franklin, PhD student, IFMR GSB presented a research paper 

Jyothis Maria Franklin, PhD Student, IFMR GSB, Krea University presented a research paper at the Management Education and Research Colloquium (MERC) 2024 by the Indian Institute of Management, Kashipur between 31 May, 2024 – 1 June, 2024. The title of the paper is Investigating Consumer Awareness of Deceptive Advertisements Cited by Regulatory Institutions.

Abstract of the paper: Despite numerous regulatory frameworks in the domain of advertising ethics, there is still a knowledge gap on how consumers recognize and respond to advertisements that have been subject to court orders for deception. The primary objective of the study is to find out the perceptions of consumers on the advertisements that are particularly referenced in court orders for deceiving and misleading them. It is expected that consumers who are aware of deceptive and misleading strategies are more likely to approach advertisements with caution and thus scrutinize the credibility and trust of the claims made by advertisers.

Professor Jayaram Ramakrishnan co-authors a book titled “Enterprise Performance & Risk Management for MSMEs – A Primer” for ICMAI

Professor Jayaram Ramakrishnan co-authors a book titled “Enterprise Performance & Risk Management for MSMEs – A Primer” for ICMAI

Professor Jayaram Ramakrishnan, Professor of Practice at IFMR GSB, Krea University, has co-authored a book titled Enterprise Performance & Risk Management for MSMEs – A Primer for the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI), with CMA Venkataramani, a serial entrepreneur and member of the MSME Board of ICMAI. The book was released at the 61st National Cost & Management Accountants convention of ICMAI held at Kevadia, Gujarat, in the last week of June, 2024. 

The book deals with development of a Management Accounting framework for MSMEs. This was motivated by the existing low uptake and inconsistent use of Management Accounting Practices by MSMEs as observed and suggested by prior research in an Indian context. MSMEs were often found failing to leverage adequately the potential of management accounting for helping them achieve their financial objectives (primarily profitability and liquidity) while also adequately insuring against risks. According to the authors, the book is a humble attempt to provide MSMEs with a cost management and risk mitigation toolkit which would be easy to roll out and sustain in the long run.

Read the Foreword here

Dr Neelam Nakra Delivers a Conference Presentation and Publishes an Article on Sustainable HRM and Leadership

Dr Neelam Nakra, Assistant Professor of OB & HR, IFMR GSB, Krea University presented a research paper titled Towards the nomological network of sustainable human resource management at the 24th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, held on 25-28 June, 2024 at the University of Bath, United Kingdom.  

Recently, Dr Neelam Nakra also co-authored a research article with Dr Vaneet Kashyap, Assistant Professor at IIT Tirupati, titled Responsible Leadership and Organizational Sustainability Performance: Investigating the Mediating Role of Sustainable HRM, published in the International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.

Access the publication here

A copy of the full paper can be read here.

Soumyabrata Basu, PhD student, IFMR GSB presented a paper and chaired a session at a conference in Portugal

Soumyabrata Basu, a PhD student at IFMR GSB, Krea University, presented a paper titled Creditor Rights and Firm’s Cost of Debt: Empirical Evidence from Indian Firms at the prestigious 33rd European Financial Management Association Conference, held at the Lisbon School of Economics and Management in Portugal. The paper was co-authored with Dr Praveen Bhagawan, Associate Professor and Area Chair of Finance, Accounting, and Quantitative Finance, IFMR GSB, and Dr Jyoti Prasad Mukhopadhyay, Associate Professor and Area Chair of Economics, IFMR GSB. In addition to presenting, Soumyabrata Basu also served as a Session Chair for one of the presentation tracks.

Sayantan Datta’s second children’s book, “Grace: One Engineer’s Fight to Make Science Education Accessible for All” listed in the Parag Honour List 2024

A children’s book by Sayantan Datta, Assistant Professor of Practice at the Centre for Writing and Pedagogy (CWP), Krea University, titled Grace: One Engineer’s Fight to Make Science Education Accessible for All, has been listed in the Parag Honour List 2024. 

The book has been listed in the Young Reader (7+), Non-Fiction category. Priya Dali, the creative director of Gaysi, illustrated the book, which was published by Pratham Books. The book has been translated into six other languages.

The Parag Honour List is an annual curated collection of “outstanding books in English and Hindi, for children, young readers and young adults.” An initiative of Tata Trusts, the List is one of the most prestigious honours for children’s literature in India.

The citation for Datta’s award reads, “Perhaps the first children’s book in India that chronicles a significant transgender public figure, Grace Banu. The engaging storyline, along with plentiful illustrations shape an interesting narrative, introducing children to a theme they may not have encountered often. Written by a queer-trans author, this is a significant representation in Indian CL. A great book to help children think about gender and caste realities.”

All books listed in Parag Honour List 2024 can be seen here.

Read the book for free here

Dr Proma Raychaudhury Presents a Research Paper at the ICAS:MP and CeMIS-Göttingen Workshop

Dr Proma Raychaudhury, Assistant Professor of Politics, SIAS, Krea University presented her research paper titled Gendering political party culture in contemporary West Bengal: A study of Women’s institutional belonging in the AITC at the ICAS:MP and CeMIS-Göttingen Workshop on Metamorphoses of the Political: Bengal in the New Millennium 2.0, held in Göttingen, Germany on  19-21 June, 2024.

All About Research and Findings

Deesha Jeppu, PG Diploma Student, SIAS, Krea University presented a poster of her PG Diploma Capstone thesis at the IWEC24 Conference, earlier this month. Her study finds that among Indian bird species, morphological traits related to resource needs and movement behaviour are reliable predictors of extinction risk, while reproductive traits play a lesser role. This work was carried out under the guidance/supervision of Dr Shivani Jadeja, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, SIAS, Krea University. By participating in the conference, she was able to gain valuable feedback about ways in which she could improve her study and became familiar with how to present her work comprehensively. The opportunity also allowed her to network and form valuable connections with people who work within this field.

Click here to access the poster

Deesha Jeppu, PG Diploma Student, SIAS, Krea University, also tagged butterflies as a part of her independent study course with Dr Shivani Jadeja, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, SIAS, Krea University, under whose guidance the project is being carried out with funding support from Krea University.  The fieldwork she participated in was part of an independent study guided by Dr Shivani Jadeja and was focused on observing Danainae butterfly congregations in the Western Ghats. It aimed to understand individual and population-level ecology by tagging butterflies for movement tracking and collecting morphometric data. It also monitored known congregation sites to identify key factors influencing their location and size. Deesha helped capture and tag butterflies and collect data about their congregation sites. These species are migratory and travel between the Eastern (where the campus is located, so it was exciting for her to see them on campus) and the Western Ghats. She learnt valuable skills about basic field equipment and study and data planning in ecological research. She also gained a deeper appreciation for the endurance and knowledge required to maneuver safely through the terrain they were working in.

Tracking the Flight: Citizen Scientists and Butterfly Lovers Needed to Aid Butterfly Migration Study in India

Tracking the Flight: Citizen Scientists and Butterfly Lovers Needed to Aid Butterfly Migration Study in India

An article published in The Hindu highlights the work by P A Vinayan, Research Assistant, Krea University and Programme Coordinator, Ferns Nature Conservation Society. Vinayan is seeking help from butterfly enthusiasts and citizen scientists to better understand the migratory movements of milkweed butterflies in peninsular India. Studying the migratory movements of animals is crucial to understanding their ecology and possible threats to their migratory behaviour in a changing environment. Vinayan tagged milkweed butterflies (blue tigers and crows) with unique IDs in Wayanad Kerala and is now looking for resightings in the Eastern Ghats and Plains. This work is being carried out under the guidance of Dr Shivani Jadeja, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, SIAS, Krea University with funding support from Krea University.

To find out how you can support the project by helping find tagged butterflies, click here

To read the article in The Hindu, click here

Writer’s Workshop: Writing to Show off Reading with Dr Anannya Dasgupta

Dr Anannya Dasgupta, Director, Centre for Writing & Pedagogy (CWP) at Krea University and Associate Professor of Literature, SIAS, facilitates a workshop titled Writing to Show off Reading, taking place on 21 June, 2024 at Sunnyside, Palavakkam, Chennai. This workshop is curated for children in middle school and above, to help them learn how reading can improve their writing. Through close reading exercises, they will practice writing that shows their understanding of what they read. By working on both reading and writing skills, children will become better readers and more expressive writers.

For details, click here.