Professor Shanti Pappu co-authors an article published in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Professor Shanti Pappu co-authors an article published in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Professor Shanti Pappu, Visiting Professor of Archaeology and History, SIAS has co-authored a paper titled Breaking it Down: Ethnographic Studies on the Manufacture of Basalt Grinding Stones in India, published in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. Her co-authors include Sutonuka Bhattacharya, PhD student and Professor Naama Goren-Inbar from Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Dr Prachi Joshi, Senior Research Scholar and Dr Kumar Akhilesh, Director from Sharma Centre for Heritage Education and Professor Gideon Shelach-Lavi from Department of Asian Studies, The Louis Frieberg Chair of East Asian Studies, Hebrew University.

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Dr Srajana Kaikini’s latest is part of Serendipity Arts Foundation’s annual anthology

The latest essay ‘Spiral Epistemologies: New Forms for the Public’ (2024) by Dr Srajana Kaikini, Assistant Professor, Philosophy, SIAS is part of the annual anthology Projects / Processes published by the Serendipity Arts Foundation. The essay explores new curatorial forms for the commons reflecting on the Public Art Grant Commissions for 2023 gathered under the project The Island that Never Gets Flooded.

Professor Shanti Pappu collaborates on a pivotal publication

Professor Shanti Pappu collaborates on a pivotal publication

A recent  publication by Professor Shanti Pappu, Visiting Professor of Archaeology and History, SIAS in collaboration with various other researchers is one of the pilot projects to explore skill acquisition and pedagogy in the context of the forgotten craft of making stone tools. The paper titled  Flakes, Feelings, and Finesse: Experiential Studies of Skill Acquisition in Novice Knappers deals with the stone tool technologies used from around 2.6 Ma to around 300 ka (Lower Palaeolithic). 

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Dr Shikha Rajpurohit awarded the Tagore National Scholarship

Dr Shikha Rajpurohit, Assistant Professor, Philosophy, SIAS has been awarded the Tagore National Scholarship, given for a period of two years by the Ministry of Culture, GOI. Dr Rajpurohit will be working under the aegis of Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune to critically edit the Nidarśana commentary of Rājānaka Ānanda on Kāvyaprakāśa. The commentary was written in the 17th century of which eight manuscripts are known to exist till date. The edition will be useful for researchers working in the fields of Sanskrit poetics and Indian philosophy.

A project co-led by Dr Suresh Govindapuram sanctioned under ICSSR Collaborative Empirical Research Project on Solar Energy and Sustainability 2024-25

A project co-led by Dr Suresh Govindapuram sanctioned under ICSSR Collaborative Empirical Research Project on Solar Energy and Sustainability 2024-25

Dr Suresh Govindapuram, Assistant Professor of Economics, IFMR GSB is one of the Co-PIs (Co-Project Directors) for the project “Drivers and Barriers of Rooftop Solar Power: An Analysis of Micro and Small Size Hotels in India” sanctioned under Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) Collaborative Empirical Research Project on Solar Energy and Sustainability 2024-25. 
Other collaborators include Dr Salman Haider (VIT Vellore), Dr Shadab Danish (IIM Raipur), Professor Arup Mitra (SAU Dehli) and Professor Prabakar S (VIT Vellore).

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Research article by Dr Randhir Rai published in Elsevier journal

A research article by Dr Randhir Rai, Visiting Faculty, Chemistry, SIAS titled, Catalytic application of second cycle copper-based laboratory waste forsynthesis of beta-keto-1,2,3-triazole: A micro circular economy approach has been published in the Elsevier journal.

This study follows the circular economy principle to explore the catalytic potential of second-cycle cuprous oxide laboratory waste. Undergraduate students generated cuprous oxide as a second cycle waste during a practicalsession, where they used an aqueous solution of recycled copper sulfate pentahydrate as a Fehling’s reagent A.

The cuprous oxide waste was isolated by a simple filtration method and characterized using infrared spectros-copy, powder X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and electron microscopic techniques. The isolated material was used as an active click catalyst to synthesize beta-keto-1,2,3-triazole in an aqueous medium via a one-pot, three-component click reaction. The catalytic activity of the second-cycled cuprous oxide waste was compared with first-cycled cuprous oxide waste and commercial cuprous oxide. They observed that the catalyst was recycled and reused for up to two cycles without significant yield loss. Also, the synthesized beta- keto-1,2,3-triazole was found to show chelating properties towards copper.

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Dr Chirag Dhara co-leads a study published in Frontiers in Climate invited by World Climate Research Program

Dr Chirag Dhara, Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies, SIAS has co-led a study published in Frontiers in Climate which was invited by the World Climate Research Program (WCRP). This collaborative effort involved researchers from leading institutions across Asia and lays out a roadmap for future climate research in the continent. Notably, the findings from this work are expected to inform the next Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.

The study focuses on “compound weather and climate extremes” and identifies three critical types impacting Asia:

    • Compound Flooding: Highlighted by the devastating 2022 Pakistan floods, driven by monsoon rains, glacier melt, and climate variability.

    • Heatwave-Drought Events: Examining their severe impacts on agriculture and water resources in South and East Asia.

    • Marine Extremes: Addressing risks from ocean warming, tropical cyclones, and rising sea levels in the Indian Ocean.

The paper also underscores knowledge gaps and recommends improving early warning systems, forecasting capabilities, and data sharing to mitigate rising risks. 

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Professor Madhuri Saripalle’s publication in the Asian Journal of Technology Innovation

A new publication by Professor Madhuri Saripalle, Professor, Economics and Chairperson – MBA Programme, IFMR GSB has been published in the Asian Journal of Technology Innovation. Titled, Driving productivity: a comparison of the Indian automobile manufacturers and component suppliers, the study analyses the factors influencing productivity within the Indian automobile industry, specifically examining the component manufacturers and the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
AJTI is the official journal of the Korean Society for Innovation Management and Economics (KOSIME), the Asia Association of Learning, Innovation and Coevolution Studies (ASIALICS) and the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI). 

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Dr Proma Raychaudhury publishes a peer-reviewed article in EPW

Dr Proma Raychaudhury, Assistant Professor of Politics, SIAS has published a peer-reviewed article titled, Gendering Loyalty in Indian Electoral Democracy: The Trinamool Congress and Its Construction of a Female Constituency in West Bengal in Economic and Political Weekly (Vol 59, Issue 48, pp.87-95) as part of a Special Issue on General Elections 2024.  

Through a consistent surge in their salience and distinguished by their autonomy, female voters have become an indispensable constituency in Indian electoral democracy in recent decades. Through a constructivist approach to populist political representation, this paper studies the conceptual terrain of the relationship between voter loyalty and populist democracy in the context of female voting and partisan support in contemporary West Bengal. This paper explores how the leadership of the All India Trinamool Congress in the state constructed a “loyalist” constituency of female voters who are beneficiaries of state-sponsored welfare schemes while exercising the logic of “othering” to exclude female critics and dissidents of the regime from such a constituency. Through interviews with grassroots workers of the AITC, this paper also analyses the gendered expectations that underscore the populist constituency of the “loyal female voter” in West Bengal.

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A research paper by Vijaya C published in in the Journal of Indian Business Research

A research paper by Vijaya C, Senior Faculty Associate of Finance, Accounting, & Quantitative Finance, IFMR GSB has been published in in the Journal of Indian Business Research. Titled, Tracking Smart Beta indices during different market phases: A “smarter” option for passive investors?, the paper is co-authored with Professor Thenmozhi, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras.

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