Dr Jyoti Prasad Mukhopadhyay, Dr Sona Mitra, Dr Sayli Javadekar  and Dr Narbadeshwar Mishra Publish a Research Paper in the Journal of Development Studies

Dr Jyoti Prasad Mukhopadhyay, Associate Professor, Economics, & Chairperson – PhD Programme, IFMR GSB, Krea University, Dr Sona Mitra, Principal Economist, IWWAGE, Dr Sayli Javadekar, independent researcher, and Dr Narbadeshwar Mishra, Assistant Professor, O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) and an alumnus of the IFMR GSB PhD Programme, have co-authored a research paper titled Does Gender-Based Awareness Campaign Improve Girls’ Educational and Learning Outcomes? Empirical Evidence from India, published in the Journal of Development Studies (JDS). 

JDS is a highly regarded multidisciplinary journal in the area of development studies, categorised as “A” by the ABDC classification (Q1 as per Scopus, with an SJR (2023) of 1.03 and an Impact Factor (2023) = 2.9). 

This study is the outcome of collaborative research with Dr Sona Mitra from the Institute for What Works to Advance Gender Equality (IWWAGE), an initiative of LEAD at Krea University. The research was funded by Krea University under Krea Faculty Research Fellowship 2020-21. 

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Dr Kalyan S Chakrabarti Publishes an Article in the Journal NPJ Systems Biology and Applications

Dr Kalyan S Chakrabarti, Associate Dean (Students) and Associate Professor of Biological Sciences and Chemistry, SIAS, Krea University has co-authored an article titled Bifurcations in coupled amyloid-β aggregation-inflammation systems, published in the journal NPJ Systems Biology and Applications. The article was co-authored with Davood Bakhtiari (Stadtapotheke Calw Pharmacy) and Dr Nasrollah Rezaei-Ghaleh (University of Düsseldorf). 

Dr Chakrabarti extends his gratitude to Krea University for providing computational facilities and intramural funding. He also acknowledges the contributions of Krea alumni Lipi Savitha, Kathan Pandya, Meghna Rao, Yazhini LA and Gauri Velloor, as well as SIAS student Netra Krishna, who have contributed to different aspects of the project as part of their Capstone Theses at Krea University. Additionally, he thanks Dr Abuthahir Abdul Rahuman and Professor Gaurav Raina for their discussions, which significantly contributed to the project’s conception.

About the Paper

In this article, the authors investigate a simple coupled system of amyloid-beta (Ab) aggregation and inflammation relevant in Alzheimer disease (AD) and demonstrate its complex and rich dynamics ranging from overdamped kinetics to sustained oscillations in dependence of various aggregation- and neuroinflammation-related parameters. They suggest that sustained oscillations in inflammatory response to Ab aggregation and its resultant exhaustion of the immune system can lead to a transition to a more progressive phase of amyloid pathology in AD brains. Accordingly, oscillations in aggregation and/or inflammation levels can serve as potential biomarkers in early diagnosis of AD. The authors also propose that the relative ease of triggering oscillatory dynamics in coupled aggregation-neuroinflammation systems should be taken into consideration in clinical trials related to anti-AD drug development.

Read the article here

Dr Rama Koteswara Rao Kamineni’s Paper, Published in the Journal Physical Review B, Selected as an ‘Editor’s Suggestion’

Dr Rama Koteswara Rao Kamineni, Associate Professor of Physics, SIAS, Krea University has co-authored a paper titled Vector detection of ac magnetic fields by nitrogen vacancy centers of single orientation in diamond, published in the journal Physical Review B. The paper, selected as an ‘Editor’s Suggestion’, was co-authored with Pooja Lamba (Bennett University), Akshat Rana (Bennett University), Sougata Halder (IIT Jodhpur), Dr Siddharth Dhomkar (IIT Madras) and Professor Dieter Suter (Dortmund University). 

About the paper: Nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond have useful properties for detecting both ac and dc magnetic fields with high sensitivity at nanoscale resolution. The vector detection of ac magnetic fields can be achieved by using NV centers having three different orientations. In this paper, the authors propose a method to achieve this by using NV centers of single orientation. In this method, a static magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the NV axis, leading to strong mixing of the mₛ = −1 and 1 electron spin states. As a result, all three electron spin transitions of the triplet ground state have nonzero dipole moments, with each transition coupling to a single component of the magnetic field. This can be used to measure both the strength and orientation of the applied ac field. To validate the technique, the authors perform a proof-of-principle experiment using a subset of ensemble NV centers in diamond, all having the same orientation. This method is equally applicable to single NV centers.

Access the paper here

Read the full publication here.

Dr C P Anil Kumar Publishes a Paper in the Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPA)

Dr C P Anil Kumar, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, SIAS, Krea University authored a paper titled On Infinity Type Hyperplane Arrangements and Convex Positive Bijections, published in the Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPA). 

About the Publication

Consider a hyperplane arrangement, i.e., a finite collection of hyperplanes, in an n-dimensional Euclidean space. We say that an arrangement is generic if there are at least n hyperplanes and a codimension k intersection is formed by exactly k many hyperplanes.  This is an interesting arrangement – for example, for a fixed m ≥ n, a generic arrangement of m hyperplanes in an n-dimensional Euclidean space has the maximum number of regions. Two arrangements are (combinatorially) isomorphic (or equivalent) if there is an ambient linear homeomorphism which preserves incidences between strata and the polyhedral structure of each stratum. In general, it is an interesting (and difficult) problem to understand the isomorphism classes of arrangements.

In this paper, the author introduces and defines a new type of hyperplane arrangements called infinity type hyperplane arrangements.  The concept of normal systems (which is a collection of normal directions to these hyperplanes)  are used to uniquely identify such generic arrangements. The main theorem states that the equivalence of two infinity type generic hyperplane arrangements is equivalent to the isomorphism of corresponding normal systems. The author also considers the case of all generic arrangements and proves that equivalence of arrangements implies isomorphism of normal systems. Further, a counter example is provided to show that the converse need not be true.


Read the article here

Sayantan Datta Co-Authors a Chapter in the Book ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Creating Value Based Sustainable Organizations’

Sayantan Datta Co-Authors a Chapter in the Book ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Creating Value Based Sustainable Organizations’

Sayantan Datta, Assistant Professor of Practice at the Centre for Writing and Pedagogy (CWP), Krea University has co-authored a book chapter titled Trials & Tribulations of LGBTQ+ People at Work as Barriers to Their Job Satisfaction: A Minority Stress Theory Perspective. This chapter, co-authored with Professor Uma Warrier, Professor at the Centre for Management Studies, Jain University, and Gouri Priya, Clinical Counselor at Workplace Options, has been published in the book Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Creating Value Based Sustainable Organizations (Routledge, 2024). 

In their peer-reviewed book chapter, Warrier, Priya and Datta draw upon their collaborative qualitative study that used semi-structured interviews with 32 queer and transgender participants to identify unique stressors that individuals from these minority groups encounter at the workplace. The findings of the study also emphasize the need for targeted interventions that could help people with diverse genders and sexualities to manage their ‘minority stress’ and improve their job satisfaction. The authors first presented their paper in a conference earlier this year at the University of Hyderabad.

Access the book chapter here

For a copy of the full paper, please contact Sayantan Datta at [email protected]

Dr Swarnamalya Ganesh’s New Book Chapter and Magazine Spotlight

Dr Swarnamalya Ganesh’s New Book Chapter and Magazine Spotlight

Dr Swarnamalya Ganesh, Assistant Professor of Practice, SIAS, Krea University has contributed a chapter to the book titled Ganika – In The Visual Culture Of The 19th-20th Century India, published by the National Crafts Museum, MATI and Naithani Foundation. In this book, a group of scholars have come together to image a collection of visual cultures associated with the Ganika, as a Devadasi and a Courtesan. Dr Ganesh’s section of the book examines the accoutrements of the Sadir performer, costumes and jewellery, their history, circulation and provenance. 

Link to the book on Amazon

The May edition of the International Culture & Art magazine, Pakistan has featured the profile of Dr Swarnamalya Ganesh and the work that she presented at the Faiz Festival 2024 held on 9–11 February in Lahore, Pakistan. 

Dr Randhir Rai, Visiting Faculty, SIAS, Co-authors a Research Paper with SIAS Students

Dr Randhir Rai, Visiting Faculty in Chemistry, SIAS, Krea University co-authored a research paper titled Solvothermal Synthesis of Cuprous Oxide Microsphere and its Application as Catalyst for Synthesis of β-Hydroxy Triazole. His co-authors included Saurav Saha, Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry, IIT Madras, and SIAS students Sreeshma Ravi and Ameena Abbas. Both students graduated in 2024. Sreeshma Ravi worked on this project as a capstone student under Dr Rai’s mentorship. Ameena Abbas voluntarily contributed to the project due to her interest in the subject.

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Professor Jayaram Ramakrishnan co-authors a book titled “Enterprise Performance & Risk Management for MSMEs – A Primer” for ICMAI

Professor Jayaram Ramakrishnan co-authors a book titled “Enterprise Performance & Risk Management for MSMEs – A Primer” for ICMAI

Professor Jayaram Ramakrishnan, Professor of Practice at IFMR GSB, Krea University, has co-authored a book titled Enterprise Performance & Risk Management for MSMEs – A Primer for the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI), with CMA Venkataramani, a serial entrepreneur and member of the MSME Board of ICMAI. The book was released at the 61st National Cost & Management Accountants convention of ICMAI held at Kevadia, Gujarat, in the last week of June, 2024. 

The book deals with development of a Management Accounting framework for MSMEs. This was motivated by the existing low uptake and inconsistent use of Management Accounting Practices by MSMEs as observed and suggested by prior research in an Indian context. MSMEs were often found failing to leverage adequately the potential of management accounting for helping them achieve their financial objectives (primarily profitability and liquidity) while also adequately insuring against risks. According to the authors, the book is a humble attempt to provide MSMEs with a cost management and risk mitigation toolkit which would be easy to roll out and sustain in the long run.

Read the Foreword here

Dr Neelam Nakra Delivers a Conference Presentation and Publishes an Article on Sustainable HRM and Leadership

Dr Neelam Nakra, Assistant Professor of OB & HR, IFMR GSB, Krea University presented a research paper titled Towards the nomological network of sustainable human resource management at the 24th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, held on 25-28 June, 2024 at the University of Bath, United Kingdom.  

Recently, Dr Neelam Nakra also co-authored a research article with Dr Vaneet Kashyap, Assistant Professor at IIT Tirupati, titled Responsible Leadership and Organizational Sustainability Performance: Investigating the Mediating Role of Sustainable HRM, published in the International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.

Access the publication here

A copy of the full paper can be read here.

Dr Sambaiah Gundimeda Publishes a Book Review of Gogu Shyamala’s ‘Nene Balanni: T. N. Sadalaxmi Batuku Katha [I Am the Strength: T. N. Sadalaxmi’s Life Story]’

The June 2024 issue of Social Change (a Sage Journal) carried a book review by Dr Sambaiah Gundimeda, Associate Professor of Politics, SIAS, Krea University. Dr Gundimeda reviewed Gogu Shyamala’s Nene Balanni: T. N. Sadalaxmi Batuku Katha [I Am the Strength: T. N. Sadalaxmi’s Life Story], published in Telugu by the Hyderabad Book Trust (2011). 

“Within the patriarchal hierarchy of Hindu society, it is a rarity to find accounts celebrating the lives and achievements of dalit women. Yet Gogu Shyamala’s Nene Balanni: T. N. Sadalaxmi Batuku Katha [I Am the Strength: T. N. Sadalaxmi’s Life Story] shines as a remarkable exception, illuminating the journey of T. N. Sadalaxmi. Her story is not just inspirational, but deserving of global recognition, resonating with advocates for women’s empowerment and those who champion women’s potential in politics. T. N. Sadalaxmi’s narrative is striking for two significant reasons. First, she rose from the depths of the Mehtar caste, one of the most marginalised within the dalit community in the Nizam’s Hyderabad region, to become the esteemed first deputy assembly speaker of Andhra Pradesh. Second, her life’s mission was dedicated to uplifting marginalised communities and advocating for rights across all levels of society. Her tale is deeply intertwined with the essence of Telugu society and politics, reflecting the spirit of the Telugu nation from the late 1940s to the 1990s,” writes Dr Gundimeda. 

To read Dr Gundimeda’s book review, click here

Link to the book review published in the journal Social Change.