Krea University launches ‘VENI – The Ideas Place’ in Chennai

Krea University launches ‘VENI – The Ideas Place’ in Chennai

Chennai, February 2, 2020:…Krea University launched its new initiative ‘VENI- The Ideas Place’ in Chennai.

VENI (which stands for Visualise Explore Nurture Interweave) will be a platform to stage discussions, dialogue and debate relevant to academia, industry and community, aimed towards sustainable impactful solutions for the future.

The launch event on 01 February 2020, titled “Interweaving Ideas: Where Creativity Meets Critical Thinking”, had three distinguished speakers — legal practitioner Arundhati Katju, economist Reuben Abraham and arts performer Jacob Boehme.

In her address on ‘

“Students, Freedom and the Constitution,” Arundhati Katju, who litigated the Section 377 case at the Supreme Court and the Delhi High Court, said that people can have multiple identities but everyone must be given full and equal citizenship rights. “The future of the Constitution is in the hands of India’s youth, who constitute 65% of the population.”

Reuben Abraham, CEO of IDFC Institute, a policy think tank, in his talk on “India Lives in Her Cities,” called into question “rural” and “urban” definitional categories.

“We think that we must take jobs to our people, but it is better to take people to jobs, and the jobs are available more in cities. If you take Maharastra, its GDP is about USD 500 billion but its capital Mumbai alone accounts for more than half of its GDP. New York alone is a USD 1.5 trillion economy. Tokyo’s economy is bigger than countries like Canada, Turkey, Iran. Around 70% of the world’s GDP comes just from 40 urban centres,” he pointed out.

Taking part in the interactive session, Jacob Boehme, an aboriginal artist, and activist from South Australia, spoke about “Arts and Activism in the 21st Century. “He said that the voice of aboriginals in mainstream discussions on social issues is still feeble and that puts them in a disadvantageous position.”

The event was attended by students, academia and members from the industry.

Dr Akhila Ramnarayan, Divisional Chair of Literature and Arts at Krea and curator of programming for Krea’s Chennai venue, articulated the vision of VENI, a meeting place for researchers, students, educators, practitioners, and industry professionals in which diverse strands of thinking interweave to generate impactful solutions and action. She shared the upcoming public events calendar of VENI, including talks, workshops, panels, film screenings, a book club, and conversation sessions.

The launch of VENI – The Ideas Place is a key initiative by Krea central to our interwoven learning approach, providing Krea faculty and students a means by which to interface with Chennai’s diverse constituencies”, she said.

Explaining the concept of interwoven learning at Krea, Dr. Sunder Ramaswamy, ViceChancellor, Krea University, said, “it is an approach that weaves together creativity and action, arts and sciences, theory and practice, Eastern and Western perspectives as also the learnings of the past with the readiness for the future.

“At Krea University, interwoven learning is beyond an academic concept. The theories are strongly internalised by immersive learning experiences of real-world projects. We bring together the arts with the sciences, we believe that even if you want to be a poet, you need to learn data science. Likewise, if you want to be a computer scientist, you still need to understand humanities from the point of view of aesthetics and art, and events like these give our students that exposure to this thought process” he said.

Krea University partners with Kauvery Hospital for campus health facilities

Krea University has inked a significant partnership with Kauvery Hospital, a reputed name in healthcare, to operate and maintain a health centre and pharmacy at Krea University campus in Sri City. The partnership also brings with it a bouquet of specialised health services, in line with the University’s focus on providing high quality support for the health and wellbeing of Krea students, faculty and staff.

Krea University was set up with an aim to re-imagine education for the 21st century. The 40-acre campus stands about 60 kilometres north of Chennai in Sri City, Andhra Pradesh and is replete with state-of-the-art facilities, with special emphasis on the physical and mental health requirements of the students, faculty and staff.

“Krea University is proud to ink collaboration with Kauvery Hospital to provide 24 x 7 healthcare services for our Sri City campus to serve the needs of all our community members. Kauvery Hospital is a trusted and leading 1300 bed multispeciality hospital and well known in the healthcare sector for its ethical practices. Through this partnership we look forward to providing continuous and quality medical support to all Krea students and staff”, said Group Capt. Puthan Ramesh – Chief Administrative Officer of Krea University Campus.

The Krea campus health centre, managed by Kauvery Hospital will have a dedicated general practitioner and occupational health nurses on duty, with the doctor available over call 24×7, ensuring that all medical requests and emergencies are swiftly dealt with. The health centre will also have a BLS ambulance with round the clock service availability and routine first aid facilities. The onsite pharmacy will cater to the needs of the campus residents with well stocked inventory. Apart from dedicated case basis support and follow ups, there will also be routine check-ups and health promotion activities. From time to time, healthcare specialists will also be arranged to make campus visits.

The partnership also brings forth holistic healthcare management which could include Continuous Medical Education on a monthly basis, rendering professional advice to the campus administration in safety and hygiene practices- from maintenance of buildings, kitchen area, food and water testing to student dietary chart. Advise on COVID management protocols will also be contributed. The students and members of the staff at Krea shall be entitled to avail treatment for any diseases at any of the Kauvery Hospitals in Tamil Nadu including treatment for COVID-19.

Kauvery will also join forces with Krea University through the extension of its community campaigns.

Can COVID-19 change social protection in India for the better?

Raka_Anjani_Blog (1)

COVID-19 has exposed the glaring holes in India’s social welfare delivery system. LEAD’s Raka De and Anjani Balu pen down this piece on the deficiencies in the current architecture and suggest how the pandemic may prove to be an impetus for strengthening last-mile delivery of welfare benefits and services in India. 

Krea announces Post Doctoral and Visiting Research Fellows

Krea Faculty Fellowship

Krea welcomes Dr Nayantara Ramamoorthy, the awardee of the inaugural Krea Faculty Fellowship 2020 and Saloni Atal, our Visiting Research Fellow. Their strong expertise in Psychology ably propels the research vision at Krea. Krea Faculty Fellowship and Visiting Research Fellowship are set up with an aim to strengthen the research mandate at Krea.

Dr Nayantara Ramamoorthy, did her PhD in Psychology at the University of Cambridge with a research focus on attentional mechanisms in gaze perception — the underlying mechanisms that guide individuals to attentionally prioritise one gaze type (e.g., direct gaze) over the other (e.g., averted gaze) when viewing another’s gaze. She has a Masters in Developmental Psychology from Maastricht University, The Netherlands and a Bachelors in Psychology from the University of Delhi. She has also worked as a special educator at the Centre for Child Development and Disabilities, Bangalore, where she designed and implemented intervention plans for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and trained parents to be active participants in the intervention process. Nayantara’s broader research interests lie in social perception and cognition, particularly with a view to understanding underlying pathways in neuro-atypical gaze perception.

Saloni Atal, MPhil, is a PhD student and a Gates scholar at the Institute of Public Health at the University of Cambridge. Saloni is a social psychologist and works on global mental health, gender, labor and social development. Through her research, she aims to provide policy-relevant evidence that drives change on the ground. She is particularly interested in the socio-political economy of mental health and in developing contextually sensitive tools to measure women’s agency and empowerment. She uses mixed research methods and takes an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on sociocultural theories of knowledge, critical development studies and transnational feminist perspectives.

Dr. Gautam Menon Speaks

Dr. Gautam Menon Speaks

April 11, 2020:…Dr. Gautam Menon interacted with the Krea Community to help comprehend the obscurities of COVID-19 through disease modelling.

“All of us model all the time with what lies around. We attempt predicting situations through mental perspectives. These are mental models.”

Dr. Gautam Menon kick-started an evening which simplified the complexities that surround modelling of infectious diseases. As he navigated through the interaction, he explained the art and science of disease modelling.

Addressing the students, faculty and staff at Krea University, Dr. Menon spoke as a part of VENI- The Ideas Place’s ‘Where Critical Thinking Meets Creativity’ series. The session was hosted by Dr. Akhila Ramnarayan, Divisional Chair of Literature and Arts at Krea and curator of programming at VENI and moderated by Dr.Anand Sahasranaman, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Division of Sciences, Krea University.

Dr. Menon is currently Professor of Physics and Biology at Ashoka University and Adjunct Professor at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. He is on leave from the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, where he is a Professor in its Theoretical Physics and Computational Biology groups.

Dr. Menon began by introducing us to his work on mathematically modelling infectious diseases, and spoke about how the modelling perspective is enriched at the intersection of disciplines. He recounted his experience in physics and his journey into biology, which he termed would be the science of the 21st century. He stressed on the importance of models in bridging the gap between problems and effective policies. On epidemic models, he held that they helped predict the likely path of an epidemic and hence enabled preparation for any upcoming crisis.

Taking us through an entire gamut of terms and simplifying it for the audience, Dr. Menon explained how what we think of diseases has changed over the years. He then introduced the SIR model originated by Kermack and McKendrick in the 1920s, explaining how the model divides the population into three compartments- Susceptible, Infected and Recovered. Tracing the evolution of the model, he spoke of varied versions of the model guided by the same essential principles, and their usage over time to ask different sets of questions, as is the case with COVID-19. Dr. Menon said that every successive model builds on a previous model and that there were dynamic changes in response to information from the ground, and hence the need for constant recalibration. On being asked about the impact of SIR type models in actually predicting the evolution of a disease, he cited the example of the use of the model in the UK during the Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak, where it helped control the extent of damage. He also introduced the Basic Reproduction Number (R0), which is simply the expected number of infections caused by a single case in a population, and a critical parameter used to understand the spread of diseases.

Reflecting on the old story of the sage who asked the king to give him one grain of rice on the first square of a chessboard, and then double the quantity in every square till all squares were exhausted, he explained the nature of exponential rise in numbers in an infectious disease. COVID-19, with its easy transmissibility even from asymptomatic cases, was proving to be a classic case of exponential growth.

When the discussion turned to the question of data, Dr. Menon said, “Models are only as useful as the data you put into them”, and stressed the need for accurate numbers from the authorities. He discussed the need for testing, identification, isolation, concentration on hotspots, and need for robust healthcare systems in the context of flattening the curve in India, and emphasised that while the current lockdown is important, it is optimally useful when backed with resourceful testing.

Click here to watch the full session

Bibendum cursus

Phasellus tincidunt faucibus quam, eu bibendu nunc cursus non. Curabitur scelerisque ferm entum orci at egestas. Maecenas viverra nec velit vel aliquam  nam tincidunt midolor. Sed vitae lorem in nisl iaculis cursus. Praesent a dui elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce viverra mauris non libero fermentum, et finibus leo accumsan.

Ut non felis egestas, cursus libero ac, interdum ipsum. Praesent maximus imperdiet massa eu tristique. Quisque interdum, leo sit amet condimentum dignissim, ipsum libero faucibus magna, et eleifend leo mi at sapien. Proin et dui mollis, blandit felis dictum, fermentum ante. Pellentesque commodo non odio nec mattis. Maecenas sit amet faucibus augue, eget consectetur lectus. In ornare imperdiet fermentum. Phasellus bibendum eros non sodales posuere. In a ultricies magna.

Aliquam luctus

Aliquam luctus

Integer ut pharetra ligula, sit amet luctus purus. Mauris rutrum neque nec ullamcorper facilisis pulvinar. Nullam quis commodo mi. Aenean luctus diam non semper consectetur. Phasellus erat justo, dictum eget pellentesque at, aliquet a magna. Etiam eget ex tempor, interdum nunc ac, vulputate felis. Phasellus lacus nisl, elementum ac dolor in, semper fermentum quam. Nullam in orci convallis, convallis risus et, mollis ligula. Sed vehicula blandit quam, non placerat diam vulputate non. Nulla dignissim imperdiet lorem, convallis condimentum ipsum consectetur sit amet. Aliquam luctus leo a risus suscipit faucibus. Sed elementum massa sollicitudin tortor facilisis, eget molestie nibh lacinia. Nullam dictum, eros vel pulvinar luctus, mauris libero placerat orci, nec condimentum felis leo sit amet eros. Curabitur venenatis condimentum mauris, tincidunt porttitor purus varius a. Nulla mattis ligula dolor, vitae tempus leo faucibus eget. Fusce dictum, quam eget interdum tincidunt, turpis quam lacinia purus, a pretium enim erat eu sapien.

Fusce quis volutpat enim, quis mattis erat. Nulla facilisi. Nulla dapibus nisl a odio hendrerit, sit amet semper ex tristique. Praesent et enim erat. Suspendisse mollis tincidunt bibendum. Integer posuere tortor ac volutpat efficitur. Nunc felis augue, maximus at velit vel, pulvinar bibendum ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla facilisi. Ut vel libero neque.

Hall of Flowers

Hall of Flowers

Aliquam elemen tum massa at placerat elemen tum. Vestibu lum eu luctus turpis. Vivamus dictum ipsum vel ex vehicula, a mollis dolor aliquam varius tellus. Vestibu lum metus nibh, bibendum sed mi ut, scelerisque porta felis. Quisque fermentum et mauris ut condimentum. Quisque eget ante vel ante porta rhoncus ullamcorper vitae diam. Donec egestas gravida purus eu finibus. Proin elementum dictum libero consectetur consequat. Fusce eu diam non nibh eleifend hendrerit at nec mauris. In sodales erat quis imperdiet tempor. Donec lobortis, nisl eu fermentum vestibulum, mi enim condimentum sem, et finibus urna elit vel velit.

Duis condimentum risus eu sem consequat, sed varius tellus feugiat. Mauris tristique, quam sed pulvinar elementum, quam libero egestas eros, et bibendum justo justo in erat. In rutrum sollicitudin luctus. Etiam nec diam maximus, rutrum magna eu, maximus augue. Pellentesque sapien sapien, dignissim nec varius non, tincidunt vitae nulla. Sed dictum sapien sit amet felis ornare, eget pulvinar est gravida. In ultrices eleifend malesuada.

Udeko Mountain

Udeko Mountain

Aliquam elemen tum massa at placerat elemen tum. Vestibu lum eu luctus turpis. Vivamus dictum ipsum vel ex vehicula, a mollis dolor aliquam varius tellus. Vestibu lum metus nibh, bibendum sed mi ut, scelerisque porta felis. Quisque fermentum et mauris ut condimentum. Quisque eget ante vel ante porta rhoncus ullamcorper vitae diam. Donec egestas gravida purus eu finibus. Proin elementum dictum libero consectetur consequat. Fusce eu diam non nibh eleifend hendrerit at nec mauris. In sodales erat quis imperdiet tempor. Donec lobortis, nisl eu fermentum vestibulum, mi enim condimentum sem, et finibus urna elit vel velit.

Duis condimentum risus eu sem consequat, sed varius tellus feugiat. Mauris tristique, quam sed pulvinar elementum, quam libero egestas eros, et bibendum justo justo in erat. In rutrum sollicitudin luctus. Etiam nec diam maximus, rutrum magna eu, maximus augue. Pellentesque sapien sapien, dignissim nec varius non, tincidunt vitae nulla. Sed dictum sapien sit amet felis ornare, eget pulvinar est gravida. In ultrices eleifend malesuada.