Dr Swarnamalya Ganesh graces the stage of the Faiz Festival 2024

Dr Swarnamalya Ganesh, Assistant Professor of Practice, SIAS, Krea University has been invited as the First South Indian artiste to grace the stage of the Faiz Festival 2024, held on 9-11 February, 2024. 

Dr Ganesh had the honour of delivering remarks at the festival’s opening ceremony, alongside Salima Hashmi, daughter of Faiz Saab, and other esteemed Pakistani dignitaries. Her performance took place in a packed hall at the Alhamra Arts Center, SADIR – Beyond Borders. Over the course of 90 minutes, she presented a diverse repertoire in Deccani, Urdu, Telugu, drawing from her extensive research in multicultural histories of performance. Through song, dance, and spoken word, she emphasised the role of the arts as a means of fostering dialogue – a crucial endeavour, particularly in light of the failure of politicians to bridge divides, which only serves to exacerbate partisan tensions and religious animosity. The evening concluded with a rendition of Hum Dekhenge, Faiz Saab’s poetry of hope, resilience and revolution, translated by the theatre director Mangai and sung by Anjana and Bindumalini. 

“I told the audience, how in the chalice of my heart, I have long nestled a longing to see them – Lahore! The performance moved me and every one in the 400 odd packed hall to tears. We all shared our tears of loss and hope through the arts,” remarks Dr Ganesh. “To be an artiste is to be able to connect with the world. Going to Lahore and Pakistan showed me how the heart can ache when happiness and togetherness is ‘so near, yet so far’. I crossed the border by foot at Wagah-Attari, and that by itself is an experience worth sharing with our Krea community, not to mention the amazing people I met in Pakistani, their culture and sense for our combined history. A look at us from the outside, is a reality check, indeed.”

Are ‘colour molecules’ the key to a room-temperature quantum computer? – An Article by Professor S Sivakumar

Professor S Sivakumar, Dean, Research and Professor of Physics at SIAS, Krea University has written a science article titled Are ‘colour molecules’ the key to a room-temperature quantum computer?, published in The Hindu

The article explores the intriguing possibility of utilising chromophores or ’colour molecules’ as a potential solution for achieving room temperature quantum computing. Unlike traditional quantum systems that are expensive as they require extremely low temperatures to function, the application of ‘colour molecules’ could significantly reduce the complexity and cost of quantum computing setups. The article delves into the principles behind this concept, highlighting recent advancements and the challenges that lie ahead in realising this vision of room temperature quantum computing using ‘colour molecules’.

Read the article here. 

A version of the article can be found in The Madras Tribune. Read the article here. 

Exploring Haibun: An Interactive Workshop with Dr Anannya Dasgupta

Dr Anannya Dasgupta, Director, Centre for Writing & Pedagogy (CWP) and Associate Professor of Literature, SIAS, Krea University is conducting a workshop on 29 February, 2024 at Azim Premji University, Bangalore.  Titled Haibun: Description in Prose, Description in Poetry, this hands-on workshop will be both an introduction to a form of haikai called haibun and an invitation to try writing one. Haibun combines prose descriptions with haiku.

For more information about the workshop, click  here

Lead Case Method Workshop at ICMR ’24 by Sathyanarayanan Ramachandran, Sundram Fasteners Associate Professor of Marketing, IFMR GSB, Krea University

Sathyanarayanan Ramachandran, Sundram Fasteners Associate Professor of Marketing, IFMR Graduate School of Business, Krea University has been invited to conduct the Workshop on Case Method during the International Conference on Marketing Research 2024 (ICMR ’24). This conference is organised by the Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA) in partnership with the Albers School of Business, Seattle University, US, and is scheduled for 15 March, 2024.

This International Conference on Marketing Research is conceived and conceptualised by the Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA), Chennai, India, aiming to be one of the flagship events in the global academic circle. It intends to focus on the ever-evolving and contemporary fields in the marketing area, with a special focus on consumer research, branding & advertising, technology trends, sustainable marketing and artificial intelligence.

For more information about the workshop, click here and here

Dr Govindapuram Suresh Delivers Insights on Water Productivity in Paddy Cultivation at a Hindustan University Workshop

Dr Govindapuram Suresh, Assistant Professor of Economics at IFMR GSB, Krea University was an invited panelist for a discussion at a workshop hosted by the Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (Hindustan University), Chennai, that took place on 24 February, 2024.

The workshop is part of the research project titled Impact of PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana on Water Productivity in Paddy Cultivation: Empirical Insights from Diverse Agro-Climatic Regions in South Indian States, funded by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Ministry of Education, Government of India, New Delhi.

Dr G Suresh specifically discussed observations from the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

For more information about the workshop, click here and here

The flight of flamingos at Pazhaverkadu on the day of GSLV rocket launch – An Article by Professor Govindarajan T R

Professor Govindarajan T R, Visiting Professor in Physics at SIAS, Krea University, published an article for the digital platform The FederalI. Through stunning visuals and evocative descriptions, the article titled The flight of flamingos at Pazhaverkadu on the day of GSLV rocket launch juxtaposes nature against human innovation, implicitly inviting readers to reflect on the delicate balance between progress and the preservation of natural wonders. 

Read the article here

Travelling to and in Pakistan: Dr Panchali Ray’s Blog in Frontline, the Hindu

Dr Panchali Ray, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Gender Studies and Associate Dean (Academic) and  at SIAS, Krea University presented a paper at the Law and Society in South Asia (LASSA) Workshop in Lahore, and wrote about her experience of travelling to and in Pakistan, published by the Frontline, the Hindu. She writes why visiting Pakistan brought home the fact that home is not what it used to be. And the idea of home, for her, is now nothing but a heartbreak. Also, she would like you to know that the title of the essay is not hers.  

Read the Blog here.

A Training workshop at SCAW – SSUS Centre for Academic Writing, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit by Dr Anannya Dasgupta and Sayantan Datta

Dr Anannya Dasgupta, Director of CWP and Associate Professor of Literature at SIAS, Krea University, and Sayantan Datta, Assistant Professor of Practice at CWP, Krea University, are conducting a training workshop for faculty members and research scholars at SCAW – SSUS Centre for Academic Writing, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, in Kalady, Kerala. The workshop titled Step-by-Step: Learning to Teach Writing is scheduled for 22–23 February, 2024. 

SCAW is a newly formed writing centre that will be offering an academic writing course for the first time, with the help extended by Krea-CWP.  As a member of a committee put together by the Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC), Dr Anannya Dasgupta designed a writing course that is now a part of the committee’s recommendation as a first-year foundation course in the state-wide undergraduate programme in Kerala. This faculty training workshop at SCAW is to follow-up on building capacity to teach writing courses using the writing pedagogy being developed by faculty members of Krea-CWP. 

Details of the workshop

Can safe drinking water improve children’s educational outcomes? – An article by Narbadeshwar Mishra and Dr Jyoti Prasad Mukhopadhyay

An article by Narbadeshwar Mishra, PhD Student In Economics at IFMR GSB, Krea University, and Dr Jyoti Prasad Mukhopadhyay, Associate Professor, Economics & Area Chair – Economics at IFMR GSB, Krea University, titled Can safe drinking water improve children’s educational outcomes?, focusing on the National Rural Drinking Water Program (NRDWP)has been published in Ideas for India (I4I). I4I is an economics and policy portal that publishes evidence-based analysis and commentary on issues pertaining to growth and development in India. I4I serves as an ideologically neutral space for economists, other social scientists, and practitioners to use their research and experience to weigh in on key policy questions.

Read the article 

Kindred Fire: Shared Stories – An Exhibition by Kaveri Bharath and Radhika Krish 

Kaveri Bharath, a ceramic artist and Visiting Faculty, Global Arts at SIAS, Krea University and Radhika Krish, a glass artist, collaborate in their latest exhibition, “Kindred Fire: Shared Stories.” Through the transformative power of fire, Kaveri’s ceramic sculptures and Radhika’s glass artworks come to life, weaving together narratives of nature, nurture, and nostalgia. From transparent paper planes caught in mid flight to poignant reflections on motherhood, each piece reflects their diverse backgrounds and shared passion for art. 

Don’t miss the chance to experience the magic at The Gallery @ InKo Centre from 23 February to 19 March, 2024.

Exhibition Poster

Event Link https://www.inkocentre.org/kindred_fire_shared_stories.html