Dr Tanmoy Chakrabarty is an experimental condensed matter physicist. His primary expertise is solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (SSNMR) which is a powerful local probe technique used in various disciplines. Apart from NMR, he also uses different solid-state probes (XRD, PPMS, SQUID) to study bulk properties of low-dimensional and geometrically frustrated magnetic systems, which are finally studied in detail using SSNMR. Additionally, his research interest also includes dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP), which is an extension of the conventional NMR to enhance signal-to-noise manifold times.
Dr Chakrabarty was an integrated PhD student, and after finishing his Masters and Doctoral Studies at IIT Bombay, he has done postdoctoral research for nearly 5 years (2015-2020). First, he joined as a postdoctoral fellow at TIFR Mumbai and next at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, for one year each. In Weizmann, he learned the dynamic nuclear polarisation technique. After that, he was awarded an international postdoctoral grant (Mobilitas Pluss) as a principal investigator in NICPB, Tallinn, Estonia, for 2 years. His last postdoc was in IFW, Dresden, Germany. In all these places, he extended his expertise in SSNMR in various facets. Before joining at Krea he served as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Tezpur University for 6 months.
Apart from being a researcher, he was involved in various public scientific outreach activities on a popular level. Apart from being an academician, Dr Chakrabarty is a decent chess and table tennis player and has a lot of passion in traveling, philosophy, Bengali literature, and Rabindra Sangeet.
Geometrically frustrated magnets
Low dimensional magnetic systems
Strongly correlated electrons
Solid-state NMR and Dynamic nuclear polarisation
Crystal growth
Condensed Matter Physics (States of Matter)
Thermodynamics (Energy and entropy)
Classical Mechanics (Energy and Force)
Physics for Biologists
Scientific Reasoning