The World Humanities Report 

The World Humanities Report (WHR), coordinated by the Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institutes (CHCI) and the International Council of Philosophy and the Human Sciences (CIPSH), in collaboration with UNESCO, has now been released. Professor Bishnu Mohapatra, Director, Moturi Satyanarayana Centre for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of Politics, SIAS, Krea University is …

Krea University hosts a Workshop on Industrial Policy in Indian States

On 20 March, 2024, Krea University’s Admin Office in Chennai hosted a day-long workshop on Industrial Policy in Indian States. The event was organised by the Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS) in collaboration with the New Political Economy Initiative, IIT-Bombay.  The keynote address was delivered by Professor C Rangarajan, former Governor, RBI. Professor Madhuri Saripalle, …

Lede-ing to the Nuts: Learning Journalistic Writing from Squirrels – A  Writing Workshop by Dr Anannya Dasgupta

Dr Anannya Dasgupta, Director, Centre for Writing & Pedagogy (CWP) and Associate Professor of Literature, SIAS, Krea University conducted a  Writing Workshop for Students of the ACJ-Bloomberg Business and Financial Journalism Programme, Asian College of Journalism, Chennai, on 15 March 2024. The workshop is entitled Lede-ing to the Nuts: Learning Journalistic Writing from Squirrels.   For more details, …

Consent or Coercion? Looking back at the Constituent Assembly Debate on Uniform Civil Code – An Article by Dr Sambaiah Gundimeda in the Hindu’s Frontline Magazine

Dr Sambaiah Gundimeda, Associate Professor of Politics, SIAS, Krea University published an article titled Consent or Coercion? Looking back at the Constituent Assembly Debate on Uniform Civil Code in the Hindu’s Frontline Magazine.   This article critically analyses the Constituent Assembly’s discourse on Uniform Civil Code. By analysing the arguments and counter-arguments of the proponents and opponents …

Exploring Christopher Nolan’s Cinematic Grammar: A Post-Oscar Analysis by Ritwik Kaikini

Ritwik Kaikini, Visiting Faculty, Global Arts, SIAS, Krea University, delves into Christopher Nolan’s filmmaking approach in an article titled At Oscars 2024, the triumph of the Christopher Nolan grammar, published in The Federal, India. Following Nolan’s Oscar win, Kaikini examines how Nolan constructs narratives infused with science and a phenomenological perspective. The piece offers insights into Nolan’s …

Dr Shyam Kumar Sudhakar Presents a Poster at the 16th Young Investigators’ Meeting held on 11–13 March at IISER Bhopal 

Dr Shyam Kumar Sudhakar, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, SIAS, Krea University presented a poster titled Discovering Disease Comorbidities in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Using Graph Network Approach: A Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Study during the 16th Young Investigators’ Meeting organised by IndiaBioscience on 11-13 March at IISER Bhopal.  More info about the event can …

Dr Anannya Dasgupta authors a book chapter in the anthology Contemporary Gender Formations in India

A book chapter titled I Am as Big as the City I Walk: Documenting Maya Rao’s ‘The Walk’ by Dr Anannya Dasgupta, Director, Centre for Writing & Pedagogy (CWP) and Associate Professor of Literature, SIAS, Krea University, has been published in the anthology Contemporary Gender Formations in India. The book is edited by Nandini Dhar and published by …

Dr Tanmoy Chakrabarty receives a project grant from the UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research

Dr Tanmoy Chakrabarty, Assistant Professor of Physics, SIAS, Krea University has been awarded a grant by the UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, An Autonomous Institution of University Grants Commission (UGC), under the Collaborative Research Scheme (CRS).  Dr Chakrabarty is the principal investigator in this project titled Exploring the magnetically ordered states in novel magneto-electric compounds. Dr Sumanta …

The Great Flap: Non-events can be history too, says Mukund Padmanabhan

Professor Mukund Padmanabhan, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at SIAS, Krea University, recently launched his book The Great Flap of 1942: How the Raj Panicked over a Japanese Non-invasion at The Leela Bhartiya City in Bengaluru. Virender Razdan, General Manager of The Leela Bhartiya City Bengaluru, and the journalist Karan Thapar have been part of the event. The book launch …

(Im)Possibility of Queerness in Indian Children’s Films – A Paper Presentation by Dr Sonia Ghalian

Dr Sonia Ghalian, Visiting Assistant Professor of Literature at SIAS, Krea University presented a paper at the International Online Symposium on Queer Children’s Film and Television, co-organized by the University of Cambridge and the University of Glasgow on 1 March, 2024. The paper titled (Im)Possibility of Queerness in Indian Children’s Films directs attention to a fundamental yet …