Professor Govindarajan T R holds a Masters in Physics from the Madras Christian College and a PhD in Theoretical Physics from the Madras University. He has been associated with IIT Kanpur, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Chennai Mathematical Institute. He was a Senior Research Associate of ASICTP, Trieste, Italy, and a Visiting Professor/ Scientist at the University of Texas, Austin, Syracuse University, NY, Max Planck Institute, Potsdam Germany, DIAS, Dublin and Sao Paulo University, Brazil.
His interests are mathematical aspects of quantum theory, quantum field theory, noncommutative geometry and gravity. He has over 100 research publications and edited special volumes. He was associated with the Tamil Nadu Science Forum (TNSF) from its beginning, and he was involved in popularising sciences. He is currently an editor of the journal Physics Education of the Indian Association for Physics Teachers. He served as Dean in the Homi Bhabha National Institute at IMSc. He was also an Advisor to the Theoretical Physics group of the S N Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata.