Prithvi Padathara
Prithvi Padathara is a Computer Science major at Krea University and is passionate about the field. He enjoys problem-solving, and a challenging problem will keep him hooked till he solves it. He is comfortable with Python, Haskell, C++ and Dart. He is also a quick learner.
Krea University
Front End Developer
May - July 2024
● Worked as a part of the development team to create an ERP system for the university, gaining familiarity with working with large codebases and APIs
● Developed various UI elements as well as implemented logic for seamless UX and as a result, gained high skill in Flutter and Dart
Prescience Insilico Pvt. Ltd
Research Internship with the CTO of Prescience
May 2022 - August 2022, May 2023 - August 2023
● As a part of a research internship, I worked on a project involving the open-source software Alphafold used to predict the molecular structure of a protein using the protein’s sequence
● Coded a Python program to test the accuracy of AlphaFold by comparing AlphaFold’s predicted structure and the actual structure. The code is available in this github repository
Data Visualisation Internship
June 2023 - August 2023
● Visualised multiple charts for the energy flow into Indian states using Tableau. The charts can be accessed here
● Conducted thorough research on all the sources of electricity and the locations of the power plants to create these charts
Building a NAS using a Raspberry Pi
March 2019 - April 2019
● Created a RAID 1 NAS in order to back up media files at home using a Raspberry Pi
● Created it by installing MDADM, creating an EXT4 file system and installing SAMBA