Priyanka Menon

Area / SpecializationMacroeconomics and Development
Year of Joining 2015
Professional Experience (if any)
Research Topic / Interests Macroeconomics, Development Economics, Green economics
Thesis Supervisor(s) Dr. Lakshmi Kumar
Conference Presentations
  • “Carbon emission, energy consumption, trade openness and financial development: An Indian Story”. Paper Presented at the 55th TIES (The Indian Econometric Society) conference (2019) at National Institute for Securities Market in association with University of Mumbai.
  • Menon, P., & Kumar, L. (2018). “Re investigation into the relation between financial development and investments in India.” Asian Journal of Empirical Research, 8(8), 307-320. Paper presented at the International Conference on Economics and Finance, ICEF 2018, at BITS Pilani.
Academic Publications
Title Citation Journal Ranking Author Status
Re investigation into the relation between financial development and investments in India Menon, P., & Kumar, L. (2018). Re investigation into the relation between financial development and investments in India. Asian Journal of Empirical Research, 8(8), 307-320. Asian Journal Of Empirical Research C Priyanka Menon & Dr. Lakshmi Kumar Published
The rise of the shadow economy: An Indian perspective Menon, P. (2019). The rise of the shadow economy: An Indian perspective. Journal of Public Affairs, 19(1), e1880. Journal of Public Affairs B Priyanka Menon Published
Financial inclusion, banking the unbanked: Concepts, issues,and policies for India Menon, P. (2019). Financial inclusion, banking the unbanked: Concepts, issues, and policies for India. Journal of Public Affairs, e1911. Journal of Public Affairs B Priyanka Menon Published
An Indian story on carbon emission, energy consumption, trade openness and financial development Journal of Public Affairs B Priyanka Menon Accepted In production
Link to Personal Website (if any)



M.Sc (Economics)