‘Krea Lecture Series: Environmental Studies’ with Dr R Brawin Kumar | 28 Sept, 6.30 PM IST

‘Krea Lecture Series: Environmental Studies’ with Dr R Brawin Kumar | 28 Sept, 6.30 PM IST

In the world of mammals inhabiting the Indian subcontinent, the Madras Hedgehog is very poorly studied. Did you know that, unlike porcupines, the hedgehog’s spines are not easily detachable, and it rolls its fur-clad face and abdomen into a complete ball of spines in defence?  

Join Dr R Brawin Kumar (National Post Doctoral Fellow – School of Biology, IISER Tirupati) for an insightful and ‘edgy’ lecture — titled “The untold story of my spiny neighbour – The Madras Hedgehog!” — exploring the few species of hedgehogs in India, sharing interesting facts about them, and explaining why efforts need to be doubled towards studying these fascinating creatures.

The ‘Krea Lecture Series: Environmental Studies’ is a forum to share research and ongoing work in the broad domain of environmental issues and climate change. The series invites speakers to explore these themes from multiple dimensions including but not limited to climate science, conservation, policy, culture, social movements and more. 

This lecture is open to all. Register here: https://krea-edu-in.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMscu-gpzooGtRWQu3ulqF1OmZPFSrnPqgm

‘Krea Lecture Series: History’ with Dr David Arnold | 15 Sept, 3 PM IST

‘Krea Lecture Series: History’ with Dr David Arnold | 15 Sept, 3 PM IST

As the Covid-19 pandemic has shown, the past remains a vital resource for us to understand the present. However, the present can act as a trigger for the past, impelling us to re-examine significant historical events and issues. 

Join Dr David Arnold from the University of Warwick (UK) for an insightful lecture on how a “living” history can evoke human experiences that make us re-evaluate the past with a new perspective.

This lecture is open to all. Attend via https://krea-edu-in.zoom.us/j/98952450106?pwd=VVhZTXlQeW5KTTVJVWw2bHlKUnRQdz09

Evolution of HR: Creating a workplace for ALL

Evolution of HR: Creating a workplace for ALL

The human resource management profession continues to evolve and it has never been more crucial than it is now. What used to be viewed as a routine function within an organisation is now one of the most dynamic places to work, with its renewed focus on employee experience and the future of work. In this interactive session with Anupa Sadasivan (Co-head – Human Capital Management, Goldman Sachs Services India), learn more about how diversity plays an important role in organisations; how HR leaders are re-calibrating the hiring process; and the impact that organisations like Goldman Sachs create as they uphold their organisational values.

Click here to join: https://krea-edu-in.zoom.us/j/96844078322

Understanding management consulting & the Venture Capital domain

Understanding management consulting & the Venture Capital domain

The Undergraduate Career Services Office (CSO) organised an exclusive interaction with Ms Paula Mariwala — Founder/Co-President of Stanford Angels & Entrepreneurs India and Executive Director of Seedfund Investment Advisory Company. In this fireside chat, she highlighted the skills and competencies that undergraduate students must develop to find a place in the dynamic management consulting domain. Paula also introduced students to the emergence of boutique consulting firms and encouraged students to explore futuristic opportunities with these firms. Responding to questions about the venture capital industry, Paula patiently walked them through the different categories of funding firms. She shared her experience as a startup investor, also highlighting the growth of impact funding/investment firms which Krea undergraduate students should actively pursue.

An info-session on India’s National Mission on Biodiversity and Human Well-Being

An info-session on India’s National Mission on Biodiversity and Human Well-Being

In a highly engaging session with the students of Krea University, Ravi Chellam, who has been involved with wildlife research, education, outreach and conservation since the early 1980s, shared in great detail about rhe National Mission on Biodiversity and Human Well-Being — one of the nine national missions that have been approved by the Prime Minister’s Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Council. From elaborating the key features of this unique 10-year programme to sharing the interdisciplinary nature of the programmes and its structures, the information session was packed with insights, giving students an overview of the biodiversity and sustainable use in India.

‘The role of networking in the workplace’ with Vijay Sivaram

‘The role of networking in the workplace’ with Vijay Sivaram
In today’s world, networking is viewed as an art form, especially with structures and communicative channels evolving day by day. While the mediums may have shifted, its importance, however, remains unchanged. Packed with insights, Vijay Sivaram – CEO of IT Staffing and Search & Recruitment, overseeing both India and Asia Pacific operations at Quess Corp – shared his knowledge on effective networking, where he went on to highlight the importance of improving one’s communication skills from a recruiter’s perspective. The session also touched upon areas relevant to young individuals joining the workforce.

‘Building a successful career’ with Naveen Chandramohan

‘Building a successful career’ with Naveen Chandramohan

In an insightful interaction with the students of IFMR Graduate School of Business, Krea University, Naveen Chandramohan- CEO & Founder of Itus Capital & Co-founder of Fintuple Technologies, shared his perspectives on building one’s career and the innovative ways to go about it. Highlighting the key aspects of an effective leader, Mr Chandramohan shared a few stories from his life and stressed on living every day as though it were your last. A seasoned practitioner, he encouraged students to strive to do better and communicate well – relevant to both the professional and personal aspects of life.

Krea University inks partnership with University of Bristol – one of the world’s top ranked institutions

Krea University inks partnership with University of Bristol – one of the world’s top ranked institutions
Krea University has stepped into a significant partnership with the University of Bristol, consistently ranked in the world’s top 100 and UK’s top ten universities. The partnership will explore deeper collaboration in the area of Sciences and Humanities at student, faculty and research level. It also includes the beginning of a 3+1 progression partnership for students at Krea, in flagship programmes offered by University of Bristol which includes MSc in Environmental Policy and Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Public Policy, Economics, Economics and Finance, Economics, Finance and Management, Management (International Business) and Business Analytics. The University of Bristol is home to the best university business incubator in the world and is in the top 5 for research. The University is also alma mater to 13 Nobel Laureates including current Chancellor, Sir Paul Nurse. The MoU was inked in an e-signing ceremony chaired by Dr Erik Lithander, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement), University of Bristol and Dr Sunder Ramaswamy, Vice-Chancellor of Krea University. During the ceremony, Dr Erik Lithander added, “We are very proud to be signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Krea University today and are excited to develop links with such an innovative, forward-thinking institution. It symbolises the start of an important partnership, which will undoubtedly benefit the student and academic communities on both sides.” The event included a dialogue on potential collaborations, respective aims of both institutions for the partnership and identification of ways in which links could be strengthened. 

The event had distinguished attendees from both partner institutions. From the University of Bristol, Dr Erik Lithander, Pro Vice Chancellor (Global Engagement), Dr Winnie Wang, School International Director, Geographical Sciences, Lorna Cuckow, Deputy Director International and Head of International Partnerships & Relations, Aditya Malkani, Partnerships Consultant (India) and Ellie Cook, International Events Manager attended the event.

Dr Sunder Ramaswamy, Vice-Chancellor, Dr Bishnu Mohapatra, Dean of School of Interwoven Arts and Sciences, Dr Shobha Das , Dean of IFMR Graduate School of Business, Dr Prithvi Datta Chandra Shobhi, Divisional Chair – Humanities & Social Studies, Dr S Sivakumar, Divisional Chair – Sciences, Prof Amit Das, Chairperson – MBA Admissions, Dr Bharath Sundaram, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, Dr John Mathew, Associate Professor of History of Sciences and Kala Anand, Director of Partnerships, represented Krea University.

Shedding light on the immense potential of the partnership, Dr Sunder Ramaswamy stated, “At Krea, we aim to forge meaningful partnerships with globally reputed institutions who are well-known for specific areas of practice. The University of Bristol with their significant strengths in cutting-edge disciplines within Humanities and Sciences, bring a new dimension of engagement for our students, faculty and research centres. We regard this as a progressive collaboration that will find many avenues for growth in the years to come.”

With a reputation for innovation, creativity and sustainability, University of Bristol has been highly rated for 35 subjects within the world’s top 100 by QS World University Rankings by Subject 2020. Nine of its subjects are within the top 50 and amongst them, Earth and Marine Sciences, Veterinary Science and Social Policy & Administration are within the top 20. The University is a major force in the economic, social and cultural life of Bristol and the region, but is also a significant player on the world stage. It has over 20,000 undergraduates and over 7,000 postgraduate students from more than 100 countries, and its research links span the globe.

Krea University has a unique partnership philosophy, which is based on a ‘Partnerships with Purpose’ approach. Under this, the University collaborated with a select number of universities or centres of excellence to carefully build their internationalisation plan. Know more here.

Rethinking & reimagining the future of work in management consulting

Rethinking & reimagining the future of work in management consulting

Vikram Janakiraman, who has been a part of Boston Consulting Group for nearly 10 years, shared powerful insights from his vast journey as a senior practitioner in the management consulting field. From explaining in detail about how management consulting businesses keep up with the times to addressing all the strategic challenges faced by businesses of today, Vikram Janakiraman – Managing Director and Partner at Boston Consulting Group (India) – engaged the students at Krea in a hearty interaction. Given his experience working with automotive and mobility clients in India, he narrated his experience on how one can not only address a problem but also re-think solutions and re-imagine the manner in which they deliver them, while also sharing what the future holds.