Rahul Bose and Three Lessons from Cinema, Service and Sports

May 5, 2020:…In an evening punctuated with inspiring anecdotes, actor, sportsman and active citizen, Rahul Bose engaged with the students at Krea and imparted lessons from his life in cinema, sports and service.

The evening started with reflections from a long summer day swathed in dust, shooting in Narsipatnam, a small town in Andhra Pradesh. Through the next one-hour, Rahul Bose took the students through three thought provoking episodes from his life across movies, rugby and social service.

Bose navigated the audience through raw and honest experiences that traversed over decades of his multi-dimensional life. From his debut days in cinema, his extensive work in the social sector or his impressive long sting in the international rugby scene, each leg of life came laced with profound learnings.

“When everyone is doubting you, rely on your instincts, that’s the best chance you have or walk away with your head held high, hit or miss.” Speaking of experiences from cinema, he encouraged students to trust their gut instincts, especially when the situation feels daunting.

His second lesson took us through his work in the social sector at the frontlines, where he stressed the need for young adults to follow the rules if they are humane but protest against them if they are misused or turn discriminatory.

Reminiscing his last few years as a rugby player, Bose spoke about the need to answer failure by coming back better. “There will be times when you are treated unfairly and overlooked, you have to become so good that the next time, it’s impossible for them to overlook you.”

In answer to curious questions about his choices in life, he asked students to choose what they love and not what’s popular. Emphasising on choosing desire over ambition, he spoke on how that can turn life into an absolute joy.

Having been moved by the student movements in the past, he expressed the need for them to dismantle feudalism, work towards gender equality and be more resilient to failure. Speaking of coping with the present epidemiological crisis, he added, “In life whenever something happens, accept and prepare for the worst-case scenario. Anything that happens less, will be an absolute bonus.”

Apart from being an artist par excellence, Rahul Bose has represented India as an international rugby player for eleven years. Rahul also runs two NGOs, ‘The Foundation’ – dedicated to the equalisation of opportunity through the education of children and HEAL – dedicated to the prevention of child sexual abuse.