To earn a major in the Biological Sciences (BIOS), a student must complete a minimum of 66 credits (Inclusive of Capstone, Current second years’, Cohort of 22-25), or 64 credits (Inclusive of Capstone, Current third years’, cohort of 21-24) related to the major, out of which:
- 10 (for cohort of 22-25), or 9 (for cohort of 21-24) required courses
- A minimum of five BIOS or cross-listed electives and Capstone thesis through two 4 credit courses
- At least 7 BIOS or cross-listed electives, if not opting for a Capstone thesis.
To earn a minor in the Biological Sciences a student must complete seven courses, earning a total of 28 credits, out of which:
- 7* are required BIOS courses-
Life at Different Scales; General Chemistry**; General Physics**, Biochemistry; Genetics; Evolution; Form and Function.
- At least one BIOS or cross-listed elective.
**Note: The requirement (only as a prerequisite for other courses) for General Chemistry (CHEM213/ BIOS213) and General Physics (CHEM210/ BIOS210) may be waived at the instructor’s discretion.
*6 for the current third year students (cohort of 21-24) because they did BIOS206 instead of CHEM213 and CHEM210.
To earn a concentration in the Biological Sciences, a student must complete four courses, earning a total of 16 credits, out of which:
- Two are required BIOS courses: Life at Different Scales; Biochemistry
- At least two other are BIOS or cross-listed elective courses
Required Courses |
Sample Electives |
- Life at Different Scales
- Chemistry and Physics for Biologists
(or General Chemistry + General
- Contemporary Biology
- Biochemistry, and Cell and
- Genetics
- Evolution
- Ways of Knowing: Methods and
- Ways of Knowing: Instrumentation
in Biology
- Form and Function
- History of Biology
- Ecology and Conservation
- Biostatistics
- Molecular Biophysics
- Animal Behaviour
- Systems Biology
- Mass Extinctions
- Microbiology
- Immunology
- Plant diversity and
- Advanced Evolutionary
- Molecular Biophysics
- Brain and Behaviour
- Science, History, and
- Introduction to Human
Brain and Mind
- Bio-inspired design
Other possible
elective courses
- Ecology and Biodiversity
- Advanced Neuroscience
- Conservation Studies
- Bioinformatics
- Mathematical Biology
- Developmental Biology
- Animal Physiology
- Biology of Disease
- Neuroscience of Brain
- Plant Anatomy and
- Protein Folding and
Dynamics - Global Change Biology
**Note: The requirement for Chemistry and Physics for Biologists may be replaced by taking all three of the following CHEM courses – Carbon-based molecules, Mathematical Methods I, and Quantum theory.
The Krea biological sciences graduate will be prepared by the program to engage with a suite of approaches and careers, ranging from academic research to public policy.