"Krea has offered me the opportunity to explore all my interests in the same place, and has changed the way I approach problems and come up with impactful solutions".

Aishwarya Sivaramakrishnan

Cohort of 2022
Passionate about creating measurable social impact in the field of education, and dreams of moving to Germany and owning a library

Computer Science at Krea

Who can deny that computer science has played a fundamental role in shaping modern society? Technologies we take for granted today seemed like the stuff of science fiction even decades ago. And at the current rate of technological progress, the science fiction of today could well be the everyday reality of tomorrow. The central tenets and principles of computer science lie at the heart of many of these technological shifts.

The Undergraduate Major in Computer Science at Krea University will serve as a comprehensive introduction to the underlying principles of computer science, its real-world applications, and its connection with technology. The students will gain solid grounding in the breadth and depth of theory, including exposure to key mathematical principles on which modern computer science rests. This foundation will be complemented with a systems-level perspective, where the students will be introduced to various paradigms in programming and computer organisation. Krea graduates in Computer Science will also be adept at thinking about and tackling issues around security and privacy embedded in technological systems.


The Approach

The Computer Science Major will deliver a judicious combination of lectures, practical labs, and seminars. Students of computer science will also learn to be cognisant of ethical challenges that may arise due to the complex relationships between humans, machines, and society. This perspective gets even more relevant as computer science is permeating numerous other disciplines, ranging from the biological sciences to the humanities. Each course will be structured with a view to enhance conceptual clarity, creative problem-solving ability, agility with technology, and have the ability to navigate between abstraction and implementation. The Undergraduate Programme in Computer Science at Krea aims to provide an exposure to cutting-edge topics in machine learning and artificial intelligence through a wide range of electives.

The immersive experience at Krea will help provide a real-world perspective to the role of computing in society, and various group projects at Krea will strengthen appreciation for collaboration. Talks, seminars, and interactions with industry will provide a first-hand glimpse into real world applications of computer science. The students will also get a sense of research and enquiry via a Capstone research-oriented project, either in a specific domain of computer science or interdisciplinary in nature. Such a project will provide students with an opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research areas under the guidance of faculty. It will foster creativity, and shape a sense of the latest developments and future challenges in computer science. It will also provide hands-on experience in driving a research idea, communicating research, and writing a research report.

Programme Details