Research for Impact

Students who express keen interest in developing their research competency are offered an opportunity to work with a Krea faculty member on their ongoing research projects.

The Research for Impact immersion over the summer break of first year is a significant opportunity to work on a range of high impact and interdisciplinary research projects.

Some projects that students work on with our faculty members include:

  1. Development of a code for simulating thermal pure quantum state approach to ensemble averaging
  2. Effect of rising temperatures on organisms’ life history strategies
  3. Experimental and computational analysis of a neuronal protein
  4. Bioinformatics analysis of the evolution of the protein of ubiquitin and Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier (SUMO) proteins.
  5. History of women philosophers
  6. Climate change in coastal areas
  7. Formalization of group theoretic algorithms in Isabelle/HOL Theorem Prover.
  8. Forest livelihoods and conservation
  9. Computational drug design – concept and case study
  10. Review and validation of theories in Polymer science
  11. Internship in science writing
  12. Internship in Recombinant DNA Tech
  13. Infrared Spectroscopy/Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Listen to our students talk about their experience