The state of Sundarbans amidst a pandemic, calamity, and ecological crisis – Prof Kalpita Bhar Paul pens a thought-provoking article for ‘Mongabay’

The state of Sundarbans amidst a pandemic, calamity, and ecological crisis – Prof Kalpita Bhar Paul pens a thought-provoking article for ‘Mongabay’

Prof Kalpita Bhar Paul, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Krea University, has authored a powerful piece on how Covid-19, cyclones and conservation programmes, in the past 18 months, have altered the economy, ecology and occupations of people in Indian Sundarbans. Highlighting the biodiversity conservation and the developmental activities that have changed the livelihood patterns there, this article was published as an opinion piece on ‘Mongabay’ – a US-based conservation and environmental science news platform. 

Read the article here:

Is sustainable tech like EV really sustainable? – Climate Physicist and Professor at Krea University, Chirag Dhara co-authors an opinion article for ‘Scientific American’

Is sustainable tech like EV really sustainable? – Climate Physicist and Professor at Krea University, Chirag Dhara co-authors an opinion article for ‘Scientific American’

Prof Chirag Dhara, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at Krea University, co-authored an opinion piece on sustainable technology. In this analysis, the authors delve deeper into the EV paradigm and question its ‘sustainability’. Originally published in the popular science magazine Scientific American, the article was republished in the digital news site

Read the article here:

The Telegraph publishes opinion piece on ‘Covid phobia’ authored by SIAS professors

The Telegraph publishes opinion piece on ‘Covid phobia’ authored by SIAS professors

Life, undoubtedly, is uncertain; but when we experience this uncertainty in our everyday affairs, we end up suffering from a ‘novel’ phobia — ‘Covid phobia’. 

Prof Soumyajit Bhar, Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies (full-time), and Prof Kalpita Bhar Paul, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, have together authored an important article on rediscovering the human touch amidst a global pandemic. The article elaborates on the importance of collaboration during such an emergent crisis, and how we, as a society, need to find a way to tackle our fears. 

Read the full article here:

MBA Office releases the medal winners, merit scholarship awardees, and Dean’s Merit List from the IFMR GSB MBA batch of 2019-21

MBA Office releases the medal winners, merit scholarship awardees, and Dean’s Merit List from the IFMR GSB MBA batch of 2019-21

We are delighted to share the list of medal winners, merit scholarship awardees and the Dean’s Merit List at IFMR Graduate School of Business (IFMR GSB), Krea University from the MBA batch of 2019-21.

Medal winners:

The first three medals – the C.M.Kothari Medal; the A.Sivasailam Medal; the A.M.M. Arunachalam Medal – are awarded to students based on their academic performance (CGPA) at the end of their two-year MBA programme.

The HT Parekh Medal is given to a student for their best all-round performance in academics and extracurricular activities. 

Here is the list of winners: 

1Swasti 1st rankC.M.Kothari Medal 
2Harini G2nd rankA.Sivasailam Medal 
3Sonu Agarwal3rd rankA.M.M. Arunachalam Medal
4Srishti MaheshwariBest all-round performanceHT Parekh Medal 

Dean’s Merit List (Batch of 2019-21):

The top 5% students in a batch, on the basis of academic performance (CGPA) at the end of second year, will be included in the Dean’s Merit List. Below are the students from MBA batch of 2019-21 who made it to the Dean’s Merit List:

1Aditya Logad
2Tanmoy Acherjee
3Utkarsh Srivastava
4Srishti Maheshwari
5Sumit Jha
6Modi Yash Kamleshbhai

Merit Scholarships:

We are also delighted to share the list of students who secured the Merit Scholarship. Merit scholarships are awarded to the students securing top four ranks, based on the CGPA at the end of the second year.

The Merit Scholars from the MBA batch of 2019-21 are:

2Harini G
3Sonu Agarwal
4Aditya Logad

TODAY @ 4 PM | Prof Joya John to speak at a panel discussion on liberal arts education and interdisciplinary learning

TODAY @ 4 PM | Prof Joya John to speak at a panel discussion on liberal arts education and interdisciplinary learning

Prof Joya John, Assistant Professor of Literature at Krea University, will be speaking at ‘Career Counselling 2021’, an initiative hosted by The Hindu EducationPlus. The webinar will feature academics and researchers from the field of education discussing how a liberal arts education helps promote interdisciplinary learning.

Tune in today at 4 PM IST to hear the experts.

Register here:

‘Social Science and Medicine’ Journal accepts impactful paper on supply chain co-authored by Prof Vijaya Subramanian

‘Social Science and Medicine’ Journal accepts impactful paper on supply chain co-authored by Prof Vijaya Subramanian

Prof Vijaya Subramanian —  Sundram Fasteners Associate Professor of Operations Management at IFMR GSB — has co-authored a paper titled “Essential medicine shortages, procurement process and supplier response: A normative study across Indian states”. Accepted in the “Social Science and Medicine” journal, the paper analyses the supply chain factors leading to essential medicine shortages in the public health system in India. Access the paper here.

‘Career Dialogues 2021’ – Day 2 | 15 May, 09.30 AM IST

‘Career Dialogues 2021’ – Day 2 | 15 May, 09.30 AM IST

After a successful Day 1 of ‘Career Dialogues 2021’, we are delighted to invite you to another eclectic day of panel discussions on career progression opportunities for the graduates of tomorrow.

Much like Day 1, the second day of ‘Career Dialogues 2021’ will feature popular industry voices, academics and educators from reputed organisations and schools of excellence, and our very own Krea students sharing their insights on pursuing History & Politics, Literature & the Arts, Social Studies, and Computer Science & Mathematics as Majors.

The keynote address will be delivered by Mr Glenn RR, Senior Director of Higher Education Partnerships (Global) at Cialfo, highlighting global trends in liberal education based on Cialfo’s extensive work with several schools around the world. The panellists for the day feature representatives from a range of global organisations and institutions including Google, Asia Europe Foundation in Singapore, RN Podar School, The George Institute of Global Health, Centre for Policy Research, Tiger Analytics, The Hindu, Oakridge International School, and several others.

For more information, please visit:

LiveMint publishes ‘The Need for Empathetic Leadership in the Workplace’ – an opinion piece co-authored by Kapil Viswanathan

LiveMint publishes ‘The Need for Empathetic Leadership in the Workplace’ – an opinion piece co-authored by Kapil Viswanathan

Kapil Viswanathan co-authors an opinion piece detailing why empathy is a critical leadership skill, especially now more than ever. The article co-authored with Anna Chandy, Social Psychologist and a well-known name in the field of Mental Health, elaborates what makes an empathetic leader, and how empathy helps overcome hardship and increase productivity. Published by LiveMint today, the article can be accessed here:

Krea University embarks on an ambitious faculty hiring plan for 2021-22

Krea University embarks on an ambitious faculty hiring plan for 2021-22

The School of Interwoven Arts and Sciences (SIAS) at Krea University has embarked on an ambitious program of faculty hiring for the academic year 2021-22. 

At Krea, we take pride in the fact that our world-class faculty uphold our vision of Interwoven learning, representing the very best their disciplines have to offer in teaching, research, and practice. With successive rounds of hiring in full swing, our increased faculty strength will substantially expand areas of expertise and widen the ambit of our curriculum, course offerings, choice of majors, and research agenda.

As a result of an extensive search, a diverse pool of over 40 new hires in full time and visiting positions are slated to join the SIAS faculty cohort in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and the arts. They are outstanding teachers and scholars/practitioners hailing from world renowned institutions in Europe, United States, and Asia (including India) in the  disciplines of economics, psychology, environmental studies, computer science, biological sciences, physics, chemistry, mathematics, social studies, politics, literature, and the arts.

Here are some of the new faces we will encounter in the coming year:

Abhishek Shukla (literature, philosophy), Bharath Sethuraman (mathematics), Shibi Vasudevan (mathematics), Venkat Srinu Bhadram (physics), Vidya Bharati Rajkumar (economics),  Soumyajit Bhar (environmental studies, economics), Anusnigdha (psychology), Srikumar Subramanian (computer science), Lakshman Varanasi (biology), Sudip Roy (chemistry), Venkateswarlu Panchagnula (chemistry), Swarna Rajagopalan (politics). 

In the process of realising our aim of providing a world-class undergraduate education, we will continue to hire faculty and teaching fellows in all the above areas, more than doubling our current strength. 

Please watch this space for an updated list of new additions to our faculty roster. 

TODAY | Starting Early: Education to Nurture World Peace @ 6.30 PM IST

TODAY | Starting Early: Education to Nurture World Peace @ 6.30 PM IST

Asia Society India Centre in partnership with Krea University, presents a global discussion on UNESCO’s Global Citizenship Education (GCED), its merits and ways for its efficient incorporation in public education systems across the world.

Opening remarks by Dr Sunder Ramaswamy, Vice Chancellor – Krea University 

Conrad Hughes (Campus and Secondary Principal, International School for Geneva, La Grande Boissière)
Dr Anthony Jackson (Head, Center for Global Education at Asia Society)
Prof Anantha Duraiappah (Director, UNESCO MGIEP)
Dr Namrata Sharma (Adjunct Professor, State University of New York College at Oswego) 

Register here:
Watch it LIVE on Asia Society India Centre’s Facebook page