Fee Structure and Payment Schedule

Fee Structure for MBA Batch 2024-26

The tuition fee for the programme is INR 14,56,000/- (Rupees fourteen lakhs and fifty-six thousand only). This does NOT include living expenses and alumni fees which are listed separately in the table below. The tuition fee for the MBA programme has not undergone a hike this year and continues to be the same as the previous batch. Details of other fees and payment schedule is as follows:

MBA 2024-26

S.NoFee DescriptionAmount in INRTentative Timelines for Payment
1Tuition Fee: 1st Instalment:
inclusive of Admission Acceptance Fee
To be paid when accepting the offer
a. Admission Acceptance Fee40,000
b. Balance First Instalment Fee
Part-1 of first Instalment Fee1,35,000
Part-2 of first Instalment Fee1,35,000
Part-3 of first Instalment Fee1,35,000
2Refundable Caution Deposit35,00020-Jun-24
3Year-1 Living Fee
(Boarding & Lodging Charges including laundry charges upto INR 500/- per month)
4Tuition Fee: 2nd Instalment4,45,00030-Nov-24
5Tuition Fee: 3rd Instalment5,66,00030-Jun-25
6Year-2 Living Fee *
(Boarding & Lodging Charges including laundry charges upto INR 500/- per month)
*This is an indicative amount. The revised amount will be communicated in Jan or Feb 2025.
Subject to revision based on the inflation and other costs.

7Alumni Fee5,00030-Jun-25


  • The instalments fee mentioned above is inclusive of tuition fee, provision of course materials and library services.
  • Medical insurance charges are part of the living fee.
  • The fee does not include any laptop charges. Student is required to bring his/her/their own laptop.
  • The MBA Programme is residential and hence staying in hostel is mandatory. The hostel is located inside the University campus in Sri City.
  • Fee payment should be made through the online mode only.

The fee structure provided applies to the Cohort of 2024-2026. The updated fee structure for the incoming batch will be available soon.


  • The fee mentioned above is inclusive of tuition fee, provision of course materials, library, IT support, alumni association membership, course related software licensing cost etc.
  • Medical insurance charges are part of the living fee.
  • The fee does not include any laptop charges. Student is required to bring his/her own laptop.
  • The MBA Programme is residential and hence staying in hostel is mandatory. The hostel is located inside the University campus in Sri City.
  • Fee payment should be made through online only.

Updated on 11 June 2021