Help humanity prepare for an unpredictable world.

Krea Mission


Krea University’s mission is to help humanity prepare for an unpredictable world.

We do this by developing a view of the future through rigorous and interdisciplinary research and education that continuously feeds the design of Interwoven Learning.

In doing so, we enable high potential individuals to learn to create positive, catalytic impact ethically.


Interwoven Learning brings together thought with action, arts with sciences and ultimately, connects our learnings from the past with our preparedness for the future.

In a world shaped by the evolving balance between humans, machines and the environment, Interwoven Learning is a journey, not a destination; and hence the need to constantly innovate.

Krea Values

Krea University’s core values are ethics, excellence, inclusivity and accountability. Every decision and action we take each day must, without exception, be ethical and transparent, strive towards extraordinary standards of excellence, celebrate diversity and inclusivity, and represent the most efficient and accountable use of scarce resources.

Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR)

Krea University’s sponsoring body, IFMR Society was set up in 1970 as a not-for-profit society focused on research, training and education in the areas of macro and micro economics, finance and management including a full-fledged business school.

Established in 1970 as a not-for-profit society, the Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR) was set up to provide research-based inputs to industries and the government in the areas of finance and economics. Sponsored by the erstwhile ICICI Ltd, the House of Kotharis and other major industrial groups, IFMR Society was the first of its kind in Asia.